I normally don’t post on forums but I felt this is important enough to comment on. There are several GW1 veterans that like the story in GW1 and the mechanics. These same veterans, in general, appreciate the personal story for GW2 but there is a flaw. There is no replay value.
What is replay value? It can mean a lot of things but in this case I’m addressing when the player finds the same content enjoyable after completing it. For the personal story there is no replay value for an individual character. Example, in GW1 you could repeat missions over and over again to your heart’s content. You could see things in the story you may have missed the first time, realize how better you’ve become, or just play the mission again just for the satisfaction of it.
GW2 has the “My Story” tab on the Hero panel where you can revisit a text summary of your adventures. Why this is ok, it does not give satisfy any of the previously mention items that GW1 solved so well. If the “My Story” allowed players to click Enter Story on a particular topic this would be fantastic. As of now, the only mission we can repeat in Story mode Arah dungeon. Which brings up the single player story issue.
In GW1, you could play by yourself with henchmen or heroes. In GW2, you can do Story Missions by yourself which is excellent. After beating Arah, the only story related single player Story content is left is…well is there any? Time limited single player dungeons aside what else is left for GW1 players that enjoy playing story based content alone? Don’t get me wrong, I like story mode and grouping up with others but more players are voicing leaving GW2 because of the negatives I listed. Non replayble story missions and lack of story content that can be enjoyed alone.
There is one more reason why GW1 players are talking about leaving GW2. The lack of “hard mode”. Its non existent, for those that do not know GW1 Hard Mode that allowed you to replay the same story missions but on a harder difficulty. The player received achievements for doing this. Frequently the people who preferred single play story jumped at the chance to group up with others for “hard mode”.
In short, I’m not asking you (Arenanet) to make brand new content or release new weapon skins. What I’m requesting is the ability to allow GW2 players the ability to re-enjoy the same content they have already completed just as you did in GW1. I do not want to see more Story driven players leave GW2. Coming out with weapon skins, rewards, and pvp content is great. But please allow us to revisit the content that you spent years of developing (story mode content). I should note, we (the players) are fine with receiving 0 drops and 0 rewards for replaying story mode.
- This post was not proofread but I believe my meaning was clear, if not please let me know.
- For all the gamers, avid fans of GW, etc please respond to this post with your thoughts about allowing players to replay story mode.
Thank you everyone for your time