Personal Story (PS)

Personal Story (PS)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

When GW2 story aspect was anounced I decided to play all of story versions. Well, finished human, sylvari… I´m not going through all of them at least now.

When I struggled in my progress I had to practicaly beg someone to help me. Nothing encourages people to help someone else in their personal story. Not even newly released LFG system.
Those helping people will obtain only “killing XP” if there is some killing mobs involved in your story chapter and that´s it. Well, this is bad, really bad.

How to improve this and encourage people to help:

- more rewards
- new reward system for personal story or specificaly for helping players
- new achievement tree (helped sylvari, charr, norn, human with their story, experienced the story way for the first time, etc.)

Right now the PS status is this: “It is soloable, do it solo.” This is the only answer you will get asking for help in your PS. Although PS could be bloody hard and time consuming and it´s not fun at all when you waste 2 hours and that chapter can´t be finished :-P
or the best solution: just give me back my heroes from GW1 and I will happily do personal story SOLO over and over.

Why was and still is GW1 so popular? Because it is SOLOABLE game with no stupid overhyped social aspect where you don´t feel extremely lonely like in GW2 actualy. In GW1 heroes were always 24/7 ready friends around you to help you and it was fun to read their conversations. Give me back my heores!!!