Personal concern in regards to player feedback for future holiday events and "the bigger picture"

Personal concern in regards to player feedback for future holiday events and "the bigger picture"

in Suggestions

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


How’s it going folks (first timer here. *waves).

I would like to discuss the general environment that we’re currently in and things that might either repair or mitigate any negative outcomes and of course promote a healthy economic relationship between arenanet and it’s playerbase.

Current situation(based on my perception): Dedicated players who have spent real cash for gems for the purchase of black lion keys are dissatisfied with their purchase. (Those who were not able to get the desired skin.)


They want to obtain festive items without paying between 10 to 30 gold for a skin. (Most people don’t have that kind of in game money, making it near impossible for them to do so.). Many have payed anywhere between 20 dollars to 100, even more, and have nothing to show for it when it could have been easier to go to a gold farmer and buy gold illegitimately AND THEN purchase the skin on the black lion trader from whom would be an associate playing the broker like a stock market simulator, supporting two bodies that last I recall, are both undesirable entities that exist within the game in the eyes of the average player and of course Anet.

Why is this such a big issue?

Think of the big picture here, long term goals, long term relationships, STABLE AND RELIABLE INCOME. In comparison to the cash shop model used within Guildwars 1, this type of business model is not the best way to maintain good relationships with the costumer base.


Because people want to get what they pay for and be satisfied with their purchase IN THEIR PERCEPTION ULTRA CAPITALS. Marketing tactics suggest that a costumer will get a specific product if economic exchange happens. Now what happens when this is not the case? Let’s get a few examples going.

- Bloggers writing about the experience
– Youtube videos about the case, extremely nasty if individual has a good following
– Twitter
– rating gets attacked (Currently at A+, would rather not see a giant F)
– Credit Card chargeback cases (may not be possible but possible depending on what king of elements are brought into the case.)
– All types of legal nightmares that would make Mass Effect 3’s previous situation a happy dream filled with icecream and rainbows.

Ideas and Suggestions

By all means feel free to contribute.

Idea – Gem Reimbursement and Product Model Redesign

As the name suggests, for those who purchased gems with real cash within specific date periods, to simply reimburse the gems fully allowing players to get a second crack at this new design stated here.

Scenario 1 – Weapon skins and shoulder skins added to gem store, ACCOUNT BOUND AND UNLIMITED USES just like the hall of monuments skins. I would buy this even at 350 gems each.

Scenario 2 – Weapon skins and shoulder skin crafting patterns added to gemstore, helping create more activity and value with Halloween specific items.

Scenario 3 – Mad King Chest, at least 1 rate items guaranteed with opening.

Scenario 4 – Black Lion Chest Keys price slashed by an extremely modest amount, like 75% to 80%. People will buy more keys, people will get more chests, mixing it with a weaker Scenario 3 could promote healthy purchases of gems and chests all around. Positive effects for all buyers.

By all means people, feel free to leave feedback, constructive criticism, own opinions but please keep it civil and positive. Our goal is to build an idea pool that can be used in a positive manner to keep Guildwars 2 in good health and pave a sturdy road to the future for everyone.

NOTES: I did not suggest anything new in regards to doing anything with the Halloween crafting components as I have a large level of speculation of what will be happening with future acts and the role of the Halloween crafting materials.

I love this game and I love Halloween, I personally do not want my memories of this week to be spoiled by one trivial challenge that could have been resolved with minor adjustments.

Let me know what you guys think, spelling and grammer mistakes not intended.

(edited by Moderator)

Personal concern in regards to player feedback for future holiday events and "the bigger picture"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

buying gold from gold seller is wrong and deserves a permanent suspension.

perhaps anet should have told us the odds first.

at least people have an idea of what they are getting into.