Personality and Racial skills

Personality and Racial skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sagittario.8102



I was wondering if it was even possible to add new skills, just 1 or 2, for each of these personalities. I don’t ever really have the feeling like this charm-dignity-ferocity thing does something, that it matters. One simple skill based on your personality sounds just great to me!

Also, what do you think about cross-racial skills only available for some races. For example both Sylvari and Asura would share some skills gained from the place they were born and grew up in – Maguuma Jungle.

(edited by Sagittario.8102)

Personality and Racial skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I do agree that personalities in the game are kind of pointless, especially since they have us choose our starting personality for what?!? nothing really. But I don’t agree on the personality skills because the point of the personality is for roleplaying more or less, so that there is no penalty/you feel forced to be one way since you want that certain skill.

About the cross-racial skill it’s not a bad idea. Lots of people would like to see more skills and I see the potential in creating cross-racial skills whenever they do plan on adding more:
Asura & Sylvari: Maguuma Jungle ties
Humans & Charr: Charr Invasion and homeland history
Norn & Charr: Also has invading /warring land history or Molten Alliance refugee ties
Sylvari & Humans: Toxic offshoot stuff…idk

Plus if they ever introduced a new race for example the Tengu can have ties to Sylvari perhaps or the Kodan has ties to Norn. Basically I see a couple cross race skills being possible in the future if they ever did an expansion or somthing to add more skills in.