Pet Armor
Would be very nice to customise our pets, but first;
- We need a working AI/mech,
- a Trait overhaul for better useage,
- and something that makes these pets adult – instead of being pathetic juveniles.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
I like the idea, but we (Charr) even not have good looking Beast-Armors. I guess,
In the end I would be disappointed, seeing my wolf wearing a Quaggan-Hat and Human Boots.
(edited by Maria Murtor.7253)
Would be better if it was just looks not real armor
more gem store monies)))))))))
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW
Making the pets more customizable in any way would be amazing.
Love the idea for pet armors. They do also need to allow them to become adults, not mere juveniles. +1
That would be kinda cool, as long as it’s purely cosmetic.
I think first though anet should fix minipets in general, so whenever you waypoint or go underwater they don’t disappear. It’s the #1 reason why I don’t bother having my minipet out (as much as I’d love to) – because in WvW especially, it disappears as fast as I can say ‘hey were did my mini go?’. It makes me a sad panda.