Pet Effectiveness: Give them Endurance.

Pet Effectiveness: Give them Endurance.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dastion.3106


Currently, all pets in the game scale very poorly with content. As the game moves away from basic PvE and starts requiring effective positioning and dodging of telegraphed attacks pets, who lack the ability to avoid damage, become increasingly less viable.
This limits build options for professions with temporary optional pets (Necros, Guardians, Engineers, Eles, etc) and significantly effects professions with built in pet mechanics. Namely Rangers, but Mesmers* too a bit.

Typically MMOs resolve this issue by giving pets extreme AoE damage reduction. However, in a game where every swing is potentially an AoE that makes them very potent, and pets already do well in lower-end (smaller hits) PvE.

Therefore, you need a solution that gives pets the ability to take some big hits in Dungeons/Fractals without making them considerably stronger in easier content. The solution? Give them Endurance.

First off, pets currently don’t have Endurance and so gain no benefit while under the effect of Vigor, this changes that and opens up several avenues for traits (I.e. Grant your minions vigor when you crit, etc).

Of course, pets still can’t anticipate and dodge an attack, and adding a special button to make them dodge adds an extra degree if complexity. The idea is to make pets more viable, not force you to dodge for two.

By giving pets Endurance and using it as an extra pool of health in some manner to avoid damage you could make pet classes and pet builds once again viable in harder content.

For example, here’s one way to scale it:
-Give pets Endurance, a varying amount based on the type. For example, a Necro Minion may only get one segment (ie a half bar or one ‘dodge’) while a Ranger Pet or Elite Pet would get more.
-Any time a pet with endurance would take more than 90% of their current health from an attack they consume a segment of their endurance bar and Evade the damage (or maybe a turret absorbs it and visually appears more battered as if its armor is being broken down). Possibly extend the ‘evasion’ for 0.5s to account for barrages that a dodge when normally avoid.
-This still wouldn’t do much for Agony, since it’s not upfront damage. But that is addressable by telling the AI to attempt to avoid any attack with Agony attached.
-For pets like Necro minions you’re essentially giving them the ability to always withstand 1 attack, the same goes for Phantasms – though I’m honestly not sure if Mesmers would need this. It sucks to have your Illusions die to AoEs as soon as you cast them, but that could probably be more easily addressed by giving them a 0.5s Distortion when summoned instead of the free hit, I’m mainly focused on Rangers with this concept though.

The important fact here is that because this triggers based on current health it causes the mechanic to scale with content. In normal PvE where a Ranger pet is taking less damage the evade condition will not trigger until their pet is low on health (ie with 2000 max health and 200 damage taken per hit, the pet wouldn’t evade until down to 180 health). Whereas in a dungeon the pet will be able to avoid large hits and Vigor would allow Ranger pets to evade more often.

Just an idea, something really does need to be done to make these builds/professions less prohibitive in higher tier content.

Pet Effectiveness: Give them Endurance.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Towelie.4637


Hi there, first of all i am a necromancer and i don’t see any issue of effectiveness in my pet. I use barely two pet, the “suicidal minion” that doesn’t really need any dodge or any modification (Or if we could know wich one gonna explode first it would be amazing ).

Now the flesh golem, i have to admit, you cant give him a dodge bar… He is just too powerful already. Yes, in a dungeon don’t expect him to be useful, the pets are more useful in a single play than in group, and it a good thing.

Now i guess you play ranger. Even if you complain a little bit on the pet, they are good at pulling no? i wont ever says no to party a ranger bro…. Even without a pet, they are real ninja. The pet is a good part of the character but not the whole character.

In PvE, a “dodge bar” ( and only one ) could be a good idea but only for the ranger, and only in PvE because i cant imagine fighting a ranger with his pet full of endurance…

I don’t really think that any professions could be prohibit, Guild wars 2 got the best profession balance. For builds, there is some “solo builds” and some for group, you need to choose.

Pet Effectiveness: Give them Endurance.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dastion.3106


I do not play a Ranger really, I have an alt but he’s like level 7, in fact I play a Mesmer – the profession I specifically excluded as maybe not needing this, though I have an alt of everything but a Warrior. As a Mesmer I know first hand how awesome a pet can be in easier content and unreliable in more difficult content. This is something that needs to be addressed in order to help professions like Rangers and open up build options for other professions.

Even as you said, in Dungeons a Flesh Golem isn’t worthwhile but he’s awesome for general PvE. That’s the point I’m making, Ranger pets are amazing in normal PvE but of limited use in long fights, the same goes for every pet class. How do you make a Flesh Golem or Elemental viable for helping you fight a boss without making it OP in easier content?

That’s why I think Endurance and AI based damage avoidance based on a scalable factor (% of current health taken) to be a good option. Your Flesh golem would come out and be able to take at least two hits that would normally have one shot it, yet in easier content it wouldn’t gain much overall benefit from this since the AI wouldn’t trigger an evasion until much lower HP, thereby giving him less ‘effective’ HP and less time to generate more endurance.

Pet Effectiveness: Give them Endurance.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Panda.1967


I like the idea. Though TBH it only partially solves the issue with pet builds.

@Towelie – using Bone Minions as suicide bombs doesn’t make you a pet build. If you try to build full Minion Master you’ll see that even in normal PvE most minions die far to easily.

Elementalists – earth and ice elementals are the only ones worth summoning in most situations

Necromancers – suicidal minions is the only viable option for them with pets and that is hardly a pet build

Rangers – always present pet that dies to quick in upper level content and spirits that die the instant they are summoned in most every situation

Guardians – until recently I didn’t know that their spirit weapons were killable…

Engineers – turrets explode far to quickly

Please stop assuming I’m a guy… I am female.