There might already be a topic with similar idea regarding the Pet Management Window.
First thing about the use of words:
- Active pet = Pet that is currently in use and at your side.
- Pet Set Slot = There’s 4 slots, 2 for Terrestial/Amphibious and 2 for Amphibious/Aquatic on Pet Management window.
- Swap recharge = Recharge that occurs when swapping or “calling” out the secondary pet, which is 20 seconds while out of combat. This was added to prevent pet skill exploit.
As of now, to review your collected pets abilities and stats, you have to:
- Switch pet on active pet slot, since active pet’s stats and skills are only shown on Pet Management window.
- Wait for the swap recharge to complete, until you can switch pets from any slot. This would happen if player wanted to review pet on secondary slot and not the active one.
- Be on respective terrain to view your pets stats and skills on Terrestial/Amphibious- and Amphibious/Aquatic-set slots from Pet Management window.
And there comes few disadvantages:
- Selecting pet on active slot can reset your pet name, unless it’s about amphibious pet, which can be on both pet set slots, which then retain their name othervise. (Like Drakes, Bears, Stalkers, Murmellows and so on…)
- Selecting pet on reserve slot is dependant on you remembering the pets stats and skill sets, as you cannot see them until you swap your active pet.
- You cannot review and switch all pet slots quickly, even if you wait for the swap recharge, since it’s impossible to review Terrestial/Amphibious and Amphibious/Aquatic pets at the same time, because you have to be on respective terrain to do so; Terrestial/Amphibious while on land, Amphibious/Aquatic while underwater.
- Swapping active pet starts the swap recharge, which is 20 seconds while out of combat, during this time, player cannot change pet on any slot, nor change name of the currently active pet.
What I’m suggesting:
- Allow players to view pet stats and skills on Pet Management window, by clicking on the pet slot icons. Switching pets then works same way it is now.
- Also players are able to change their pet name from “Juvenile !animal name!” with less time consumed, since there’d be no need to swap pet or enter specific terrain type, and wait till the swap recharge to cooldown.
This idea is on base level, so it can be improved on, or is already improved on earlier topics regarding on Pet Management window.
Also some info on this topic might be outdated.
I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.