Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Godomir.7159


Hello all,

First I want to say that the designs of some costumes in GW2 are simply awesowe. During my leveling up, I had a lot of really nice clothes.

Then I finished at 80, and said: “ok, so what outfit should I use now?”. First of all I got my exotic gear and then I used transmutation stones to mix the appearance I wanted.

Problem?, that there are a lot of costumes I like!!!

What I am proposing?

Simply, I would like to have a few cosmetic slots, in wich you can drag and drop clothes (combat clothes not cosmetic/city only ones, there is a slot for that) and select what of them do you like to wear. Like in another games. This clothes can be used in combat because there are in fact armor and combat clothes.

You probably are thinking: “Ok that´s fine, but then nobody would use transmutation stones!!”. Yes and no.

There are a way to require transmutation stones. Simply when you are trying to drop something on the cosmetic slots, and advice tells you something like: “Only transmutated items can be used here”. This way we could have the cosmetic slots, but the transmutation stones created by Anet still would be neccesary.
In fact I think transmutation stones would be sold a lot better with this feature, because a lot of people would like to have his/her cosmetic slots full!!

Also, as an alternate way, maybe in the Black Lion Market, you can purchase too a few cosmetic slots more.

People would buy transmutation stones and cosmetic slots, and always the clothes are battle clothes, not cosmetic ones (like halloween). You would have your for example exotic gear with their stats, the cosmetic slots don´t overwrite the stats, they are only that, cosmetic slots.

Ok, ok, so many of you agree but maybe are thinking in sPVP or WvsW. Yeah. Obviously this feature should be unavailable in sPVP. 100% agree.

And respecting WvsW, well maybe yes or no. Really is not as important. Why?, because anyway people use transmutated gear so you really are not seeing what are others wearing. And anyway a possible solution to “culling” effect in WvsW is to have an option to “Force player enemy model”, so you won´t be able to see his/her real gear.
Anyway if is unavailable in WvsW too, there is no problem. At least can be used at PVE.

Well this are my thoughts, many of you will agree, many of you not. I really would like all of people who agree, that sign the petition.

Of course can be done in different ways, but basically is an idea, not developed, printed in pen and paper. Can be done in different ways.

But the essence of the idea is the question I would like to know if people like.

Thanks for the reading, and don´t forget to sign if you agree!!

See ya

(edited by Godomir.7159)

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: thealienamongus.1968


Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Godomir.7159


Yes, I knew there were several threads. My intention was only maybe to mix all then in one “official” petition with all us that think the same.

There are tons and tons of good ideas!! But the basics of each one are basically the same

Thanks for the links, compelting perfectly the info, and thanks for the support thealienamongus

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponzu.4570


im all for cosmetics


lvl80 sylavari Engineer
Crystal Desert

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391



I’d prefer a system either like the one used in DC Universe Online, or Rift. Both are much better. I wouldn’t mind paying for a cash shop item to unlock those slots for my char or account either. Hell I’d even pay like $15-20 for it!

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daenji.5280


+1 Would very much like to see some version of this implemented.

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: NatashaK.9418


I’ve suggested this before, but I like’d RIFT’s system much better than transforming gear at all. You had one tab for your gear and a separate tab for what it looked like (as an override). You could store multiple looks. This was great for leveling up where you could keep your favorite shoes for looks but keep grabbing stuff with the best stats.

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Louveepine.7630


I also sign.
Hoping Arena responds positively x_x

# Asura because I’m worth it!

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direngrey.1247


+1 here, great idea!

Petition to make Cosmetic Slots (Transmutated)

in Suggestions

Posted by: thealienamongus.1968


Yes, I knew there were several threads. My intention was only maybe to mix all then in one “official” petition with all us that think the same.

There are tons and tons of good ideas!! But the basics of each one are basically the same

Thanks for the links, compelting perfectly the info, and thanks for the support thealienamongus

Standards :P

Yeah, I’ve been linking all the threads I come across so that they see A) they aren’t alone and what others have said.