Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knote.2904


Could you give us the option to buy a transmutable version of Phantom Hood for 1000 gems? You can keep the town clothes one for 200.

There is nothing else worth spending gems on, and this is the only thing I would really like to buy to match with other armor skins.

I’m begging you Anet, take my money.

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Masher.8051


1000 gems? were not all rich you know!

i’d be happy to pay 500 gems for a transmutable hood.

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wyrdthane.6801


Take my money too, Please let us Pay for Skins DIRECTLY with GEMS.. i want 100% guarantee to get the item. I don’t care if it costs 1000 gems.

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mondy of War.8964

Mondy of War.8964

It’s a bit late to do this.

Those who have already spent gems on keys for the chests will be screwed again when the same skins they were after are made freely available for MORE gems.

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snerf.1650


Take my money too, Please let us Pay for Skins DIRECTLY with GEMS.. i want 100% guarantee to get the item. I don’t care if it costs 1000 gems.

Agreed. Take the weapon skins out of the bag and sell them for like 500 – 800 gems each.

Problem solved.

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


Buy gems → gold → skins from TP. Probably going to cost way more than 1k gems though.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispytoast.3698


Agreed, also make the skins giftable, I would like to get a skin for my wife and surprise her with it.

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Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knote.2904


NO don’t talk about the fail chests. Don’t derail my thread!

This is about Phantom Hood and all of it’s epicness going to waste.

1000 GEMS ANET. Right here!!1

Waves gems furiously

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kain.9167


I’d pay 2000 gems for it.

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


I agree, that hood is just awesome, I want to see it more than just on town clothes =D

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: insaneshadow.1654


I’d pay 600 gems and this mystery box. Don’t you want this mystery box ANet?

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Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


I’d pay 600 gems and this mystery box. Don’t you want this mystery box ANet?

The mystery box could contain anything! Even a boat!

[SFD] – Maguuma

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


NO don’t talk about the fail chests. Don’t derail my thread!

This is about Phantom Hood and all of it’s epicness going to waste.

1000 GEMS ANET. Right here!!1

Waves gems furiously

This made me giggle.

But the MAJOR point here should be that casual clothing ruined that part of the game, in gw1 there was vanity icons were you can simply put these costumes in it and it would show off despite whatever gear you had. Personally all casual vanity items are a no-no for me because I spend 90% of my time fighting somewhere, no matter how much I like the hood I wont get it because its unusable for me and toggling between the 2 just to show off for a bit is ridiculous -.-

Phantom Hood For 1000 gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knote.2904


NO don’t talk about the fail chests. Don’t derail my thread!

This is about Phantom Hood and all of it’s epicness going to waste.

1000 GEMS ANET. Right here!!1

Waves gems furiously

This made me giggle.

But the MAJOR point here should be that casual clothing ruined that part of the game, in gw1 there was vanity icons were you can simply put these costumes in it and it would show off despite whatever gear you had. Personally all casual vanity items are a no-no for me because I spend 90% of my time fighting somewhere, no matter how much I like the hood I wont get it because its unusable for me and toggling between the 2 just to show off for a bit is ridiculous -.-


I really don’t understand their stance on this. Who cares if someone want’s to wear a chef hat into combat, does it really matter? This game is pretty much about Cosmetics, let us wear what we want. =[