Placing limits on your own playtime

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joriarty.4318


Just stop and ask yourself… do you think you play GW2 too much? Most of you would probably say ‘yes’.

A simple function to set daily or weekly limits on your playtime, and to also choose how often you may change these settings, would be fantastic. Warning messages display when you’re approaching your limit, and the game automatically logs you out once the limit is reached.

If you are in an instance, you should be allowed to complete this first.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


You already have an option to do that. It’s called self discipline :P

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joriarty.4318


You already have an option to do that. It’s called self discipline :P

Which is far from perfect :p.

Much easier to limit play to say, 10 hours per week, if the game just won’t let me play after the limit is up. Otherwise, I’ll always want to play for “just another half hour”…

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


Reminds me of the good old “one more turn…” and suddenly it is 4:00 AM

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


An interesting suggestion, although I’d bet that a lot of people who may feel strongly enough to set a strict limit for themselves would just change their limit and log back in after being kicked off. I’m guessing this feature would fall in the “parental controls” category, as it’d essentially be the same thing as a parent limiting their child’s playing time. In that case, I agree that features like that are helpful to a lot of people.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: selan.8354


erm… honestly i don’t like a limitation on how long i get to play weekly. There are weeks where i barely have time to play and other where i play a lot but it’s my choice. I don’t need a parental control at all! If i want to play for 12 hours I will and if I feel tired ill go to bed. Honestly, a restriction on playtime would make me quit the game immediately.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulweaver.2190


erm… honestly i don’t like a limitation on how long i get to play weekly. There are weeks where i barely have time to play and other where i play a lot but it’s my choice. I don’t need a parental control at all! If i want to play for 12 hours I will and if I feel tired ill go to bed. Honestly, a restriction on playtime would make me quit the game immediately.

And no one said it would be compulsory. Common sense says that if such feature would be added, you would be able to turn it off and control the time limits yourself.

[FR] Furious Rising, Ring of Fire; Soul Weaver (N/Ranger/80), Kuang Steak (C/War/80),
Zephyrweaver (H/Ele/80), Dusk Weaver (A/Thief/80), Soulweaver (S/Mes),
Svàlinn (C/Guard), Exxíon (A/Engi/80), Spectrallum (S/Necro)

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illharess.6509


There are so many other amazing things they could improve in Guild Wars 2, or things they could add. Limiting play time should fall on the player, not the developers.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


When I can’t stay awake any more, I log out. When my boss calls and asks why I am not at work, I log out. :p

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zikory.6871


I think another way to look at it is parental control. With the game F2P allow parents to set a play time limit. This will allow parents to maintain the child’s play time for any reason the parent deems reasonable. This would also allow people in the OPs position to set his/hers play time limits. But that would only work if you give someone else your “master” or parental password. If it was me and i set these limits then if i wanted to play more, I would just pop in that password change the settings and now I’m playing more.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


I would suggest using an alarm clock for yourself instead. You know you only have X number of hours during the week to play, set the alarm for the time you need to log off.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joriarty.4318


Preaching self-control and practicing it are two different things, guys.

If you sit down and say ‘right, I’ll play 1 hour of Guild Wars 2 then go do some housework’, and you always log off after that 1 hour (not 2, or 3!), I admire your discipline.

As I said in the original post, you should be able to limit how often you may modify your playtime limits. You could also set a different password to control those settings, which would be great for parents.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scorpio.3821


Just gain some self control…

Legate of the Legion.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Shhhh! People these days don’t want to be held accountable for their own actions.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


It is actually quite easy to practice self-control. When there is work to be done, the work gets done first and play comes later. When you know you need to be up by a certain time in the morning, you go to bed by a certain time the night before so you are not dragging the next day.

There are many nights that my guild will be putting together a dungeon run. If it is getting too close to my normal bed time during the week, though I would love to go, I don’t because a) it’s not fair to the rest of the group that I may be getting tired and not performing as well, and b) I may need to end the run sooner than expected because it may go on too long. It’s all about managing your responsibilities with your free time.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

As a parent control option, settin’ a limit to how many hours a day could be played is a good idea; there’d have to be some way to keep the kid from just going in an changin’ it though.

But for me? No no no no no …. I never know how long I’m gonna play when I log in … some days it might be an hour … two hours … or 8 hours … then I might go three days not playin’ at all. For me, it’s all about my mood at the time, when I managed ta sleep last, and what I got goin’ on … mostly my mood though – ‘cause sleep’s usually low on my list ah priorities.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Placing limits on your own playtime

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


Why make them program something into the game,when they are already got to much to FIX already. You can easily google up a solution, that should not be to much of a hassle to use independently.
Here I will save you the trip, here look at this solution

(edited by Gummy.4278)