Plans to boost exp in lower zones?

Plans to boost exp in lower zones?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calysto.7469


As the title states, now that we’re a little ways into the game, and there is virtually no one left in the lower zones, equating out to far far fewer events and players to fuel the difficulty of those events, is there any plans to now boost exp granted by either mobs, or by finishing the hearts in the zones?

Made a few new characters lately, and both of my last 2 human characters, were only lvl 12 and only just, by the time they finished the starting zone, Queensdale. There is a complete lack of events unlike the first couple weeks when the zones were flooded with players, making it easy to find events to grind for karma, exp and some coin. Now, I’m constantly fighting +2-4 mobs just because I’ve finished the rest of the zone.

Anyone else running into these issues and feel a simple boost to the exp from finishing the hearts would be a good idea? Any dev thoughts/comments on something like this possibly getting this in the works?

Plans to boost exp in lower zones?

in Suggestions

Posted by: FumikoM.6029


They could just change the event scaling so instead of flooding a player with enemies, you only met 1 or 2 of them. Right now quite a few events are scaled for groups, even if it does not say so in the description. This would ensure that players later on could take them on by themselves. And make sure us players who sometimes play at night don’t have to die over and over again because there’s to few players.

Spawntimers could also be changed, to frequent right now. I kill 3 enemies, a few seconds later they are back. Since mob exp are so low I don’t want to grind for xp by killing them over and over again. Not worth the time.

Plans to boost exp in lower zones?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


I would have to agree with fumiko, i have stumbled onto events when playing in the afternoon where their was no one else around as i was beaten by 6-10 bandits assaulting the farm. I’m hoping this is partially allievated as overflow servers become less common. To add on to what Calysto is saying.. finishing a quest in queensdale should reward a little more experience as on both characters (which i got 100 percent completion) I still felt to low a level to compete well in the 15-25 zone.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

Plans to boost exp in lower zones?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calysto.7469


Ya, my thinking on this is change the lower starting zone hearts to give roughly 50% more exp per heart, to make up for the huge lack of events, but to only do this for the starting zones, and to have it only scale to do the 50% extra exp up to level 18 or so. This would give starting characters the exp they need to get up to the correct level to proceed into the 15-25 zones, and there are generally more players in those zones, providing enough events to get through them with decent exp.

My first few characters in the starting weeks, would get to like 17-18 with 100% completion in the starting zones, and now my characters are barely level 12 with 100% completion. The 50% boost to heart exp would possibly have to be tweaked either up or down, depending on the hard numbers the devs have, but this would provide a good boost to new players to help them with leveling in the beginning so they aren’t constantly fighting +2-4’s and way to low level for the next zone by the time they finish the first.

Plans to boost exp in lower zones?

in Suggestions

Posted by: GOSU.9574



Bring back Henchmen.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.
