Playable Skritt

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drhojo.2170


I would to play as a Skritt I would do anything to play as one them I mean It I would pay just for that race I need that race O_O anybody agree?

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arshay Duskbrow.1306

Arshay Duskbrow.1306

After Tengu come out, I’d be fine with skritt as a playable race. The wide variety of rodent morphologies means there’d be plenty of space for customization. On the other hand, I’m not sure how much you could do with any sort of personal story…the skritt live pretty simple, undramatic lives.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Baffle Jack.9163

Baffle Jack.9163

As I’ve been playing through the game I’ve basically come to conclusion that the three races I’d like to see playable are Tengu, Skritt, and Hylek in no particular order. They all have tons of personality and interesting quirks. and it certainly seems like there’s room for Skritt to come into their own. If anyone has been to Skrittersberg in the Asura zone they basically have a ghetto major city. And often times I’ll hear random Skritt NPC dialogue that makes me think they’re much smarter than they appear at first glance. Heck they steal some golem parts and put together a functional golem in one event without any instructions. You know maybe Zhaitan’s minions start wrecking the place around the Skritt homeland I could see them banding together, and if the Skritt in Skrittersberg are anything to go off of the more Skritt come together the more knowledgeable they get as a whole.

So yeah I’d love to see Skritt be playable. Don’t ask why I want Hylek though there’s just something oddly satisfying about being a frogman I can’t explain.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Actua.7521


Kodan > Tengu > Quaggan > Hylek > Skritt. That is the prioritized order on how these races should be released as playable additions to the game. :P

That said, I want a default chat filter for all Skritt players that throws in some Engrish.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arisal.9740


Kodan would be boss for sure.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

On the other hand, I’m not sure how much you could do with any sort of personal story…the skritt live pretty simple, undramatic lives.

They are also often found working for Asura. Or living in dangerous areas/ playing with things they shouldn’t.

However the Skritt have one feature that would make writing them as PCs very difficult: They get smarter the more of them are nearby.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grimm.8236


Skritt? No thanks. Tengu? Sure. Kodan? Sure. Quaggan? Sure. Hylek? Sure. Seriously, why would you want to play Skritt? It doesn’t even fit with the other races WHAT-SO-EVER.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Libix.1239


Yes make Skritt playable!
I want to play a Skritt Thief! that is what holding me back to make a Thief hehe

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vendetta.5032


Quaggan would be the best to play, their elite could be rage.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valcruze.8176


Glory seeking rat folk sounds really odd. It would be strange to see skritt abandoning “shines” to journey the entire Tyria.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Glory seeking rat folk sounds really odd. It would be strange to see skritt abandoning “shines” to journey the entire Tyria.

And yet there’s so much shiny to be collected in the world!
I really don’t think it would be that hard.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jhu.3965


People who think tengu are better than skritt are subhuman and probably like to listen to Nickleback.

Skritt are the best race the the entire game.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toxe.5340


As someone who played a Rattonga in Everquest 2: Yes, I’d love to play Skritt!

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: FrogmanUJ.4587


I would like to see a number of races become playable, all of which are already mentioned here. Kodan, Hylek, Tengu, these will all be awesome. I would also like to put forward another idea somewhat based on the fall out from the dragons.

What about a race of humanoid dragons? A subservient race that being part dragon themselves, are immune to the mind control, but are kept as slaves by the dragons. The dragon people get freed at some point by defeating a dragon.

As a story for a draconic character, it could include you joining the other races on a number of campaigns to free other draconics, and an over all story arc for all races to discover a good dragon and awaken it.

Or you know... something like that.