Player Housing
We don’t need player housing. Other games have it, go play those instead.
I would love player housing integrated in the game. But I do wish that current resources would be used to craft furniture (logs for chairs and tables, ores for kilns and pots, cloth for beds and curtains, etc.).
I look forward to capping the furniture making craft on my dwarven dervish.
For those of you counting, I just asked for a new feature, a new crafting discipline, a new playable race, and a new profession in one sentence. That’s efficiency.
Not sure if I would cheer or cry if they brought dwarves back. I was sad when they all were turned to stone.
More on topic, I would love a player housing system similar to Lotro’s, but missing all of the problems with it… once they get a lot of other more practical stuff taken care of, that is.
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)
Despite cheaper storage and processing have you noticed a decline of housing in MMO’s? There is a reason for that.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that the whole gaming industry changed into a bunch of greedy Scrooge Mc Ducks, which kill all the fun in games to gain more profit by addictive measures.
All in all, the only people in the gaming industry that are really PLAYING, are the developers. Toying around with basic instincts and such.
This is one of the few things I’d really love to hear a dev respond to. I’d love player housing, personally. I know it’s been mentioned before as something they are working towards, but that was a few months ago.
there will be player housing but is a VERY low priority.
look for a future expansion for something like this to take place
I’d enjoy it as something in an expansion. They’re working on making the actual world more interesting and meaningful, fixing bugs, and getting pve/pvp/wvw to where they want right now. Player housing would be cool some day though. Could even show accomplishments like the HoM in GW1 did or something and fun for RP. Not something to focus on now though.
We don’t need player housing. Other games have it, go play those instead.
I don’t believe you understand the potential this game brings to the genre. It makes mince-meat out of anything like it out there and that is something we can all agree on. However, if we use the excuse that “there are other games out there” with something we want, it makes it harder to be able to build on the potential. YES, there will always be games out there that have SOME aspects that we want, but to put it all together is something that no game has gotten right. The best way to be able to expand is by listening to the players, because at the end of the day they’re the ones who will make this game a success.
We’ll most likely all be on the next “IT” game before housing, farming, or anything life related is introduced into the game. Maybe when it is we’ll come back to it but, I do not see this having the longevity for that honestly.
So many things more important to me than Player Housing. If they ever add it, it better be at the bottom of a long list of bug fixes, PvP improvements, quality content additions, and perhaps even an xpac. Certainly not before Guild Halls.
I’m really tired of meaningless content. This would be a huge turnoff if it happened anytime soon.
Please prioritize making a quality game over fluff.
I’d prefer an in depth housing system to anything else in the game, period. Dungeons I don’t particularly like, sPvP is 85% Thieves for obvious reasons (hate it), WvW is average. Hearts and World exploration is fun but that eventually runs out. Housing with crafting heavily involved, rare collectables, etc would be a great addition.
Player housing is a #1 feature for me. I love GW2; it is the shiny new thing, but housing is what kept me in EQ2 for years longer than I should have, and the same for other games. GW2 seems to me more of an “immersive world” type of mmo than some of the other combat simulator-types recently released, so the concept fits well.
I have been meaning to check out rift again just due to supporting their take on it, even though the core game/world was flawed for me.
So, yeah. Housing (and other fluff/non combat activities) is important to many people.
Artemix (80 Rang) – Mercurio Rex (80 War)
Nine Divines [ND] – Sorrow’s Furnace
No guild halls , tired of hearing about it. That is not my own and all that will inspire is guilds having their members do things to help get other things for the hall or else you will get kicked from the guild.
Player housing with differing sizes and shapes with the ability to make it into a “Guild House” would be fine by my book. I miss the housing from Ultima Online being able to have vendors was such a nice feature to have.
When it comes down to it I want something I own not share.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
I would prefer personal housing oder guild housing. With the new guild system being in more than one guild i will never feel “home” in a guild hall.
It needs to be more personal with crafting implemented.
And I would like to see all the books and notes I read while exploring and read them again^^
We don’t need player housing. Other games have it, go play those instead.
What a horrible… horrible outlook lol
Despite cheaper storage and processing have you noticed a decline of housing in MMO’s? There is a reason for that.
Lately I’ve noticed a lot of changes in the video game industry, not all of them for the better. The “reason” to which you allude certainly isn’t a lack of interest from the players.
Actually it was the promise of housing that drew my interest in GW2 in the first place, and believe me, I am looking at other games and one of my top perks is housing.
If housing was to be added it should be alot more customizable like Everquest 2 or Star wars galaxies’s housing was and not strictly limited to ‘decoration slots’ like for example LOTRO. Also they should try and put an effort into populating a “town” instance (in which players have their houses of course) because generally in a non-open world mmo(like gw2) the housing areas are generally dead. Set up some minigames like fishing in player towns or something to keep them populated, give rewards and achievements for doing things in the town on occasion to encourage people visiting them. Then housing would be awesome especially in a good populated game like guild wars 2. So do I approve of them adding player housing? Of course I do.
(I also wanted to comment that Arenanet could make more money off of player housing simply by adding occasional housing decoration items into the gem shop, I myself would pay for that as well. I urge you Arenanet to put this on your schedule someday.)
i’m so very ready for player housing the more involved, the better! yeah, make me build it from scratch using nails i have to mine the ore for! make me saw the planks to build the walls! make it upgradable! got 2k extra orrichalcum and 3k ancient wood? great! you can upgrade to a mansion! >:D
my one and only real request, however, is that others be able to visit my home.
they should try and put an effort into populating a “town” instance (in which players have their houses of course) because generally in a non-open world mmo(like gw2) the housing areas are generally dead. Set up some minigames like fishing in player towns or something to keep them populated, give rewards and achievements for doing things in the town on occasion to encourage people visiting them.
this would be very cool. a town instance in which other houses are owned by other players, and walking down the street you pass by homes belonging to them. having the coming and going of other players as you visit your home. being able to pop in and visit others’ homes and see how they’ve done up their place…
another game that has very good housing arrangements (though they actually have two separate types of housing) is Mabinogi. one version is rentals in a town-like setting, the interior of which can be decorated. the other is a more ‘private’ plot of land that can be built on, incorporating various furniture and landscaping features.
a hybrid of the two would be so very nifty!
i’m so very ready for player housing
the more involved, the better! yeah, make me build it from scratch using nails i have to mine the ore for! make me saw the planks to build the walls! make it upgradable! got 2k extra orrichalcum and 3k ancient wood? great! you can upgrade to a mansion! >:D
my one and only real request, however, is that others be able to visit my home.
Haha, i love that idea! I think if they do ever release it, that i should be something we have to do from the ground up, i mean a house that i build myself would mean much more than one that i’d buy. In addition, the ability to upgrade it would make the experience that much more exciting because it would give people incentive to want to visit your house to see it.
We’ve had some amazing ideas, and if any of them are implemented into the game, i’m very sure that they will make it much better and more enjoyable than it already is!
If Player housing is in the open world and not some stupid instance, than I agree. Otherwise its a worthless feature and just a money sink for in-game gold or real cash
Since I only have human characters, I will focus on Divinity’s Reach. For the housing, it will be nice to have an option to choose which quadrant to live in. When I was running around trying to get the DR map complete, in some places, I was thinking, it would be nice live there.
The free housing should have a minimum of 2 rooms like in EQ2 (Aion comes with 1 room studio). This way, players could have more spaces to decorate. More spaces means more items to decorate thus more gold-sink. Of course, players who have a lot of gold, could buy a bigger house. The housing in Aion is ridiculous – even though your house is 2 stories from the outside, you only get one room on the ground floor. If the house looks like 2 stories then it should be 2 stories inside as well.
Also, the player should not be limited on how many things they could put into their house. Aion has a max of 20 for free housing. After maxing the items, the studio still looks so empty. It was exciting at the beginning, but lost interest soon after. If there are no limits, then the player could buy items to their heart’s desire. This will be another way of gold sink.
Also, no time-limited items for the housing. In Aion, you pay millions of kinahs or real money on items for limited time such as 30-day limit or 60-day limit. It is the most ridiculous ideas. The items should not have time-limits. I don’t mind spending real money on buying items for the house, but I would NOT spend real money on time-limited items.
Also, it will be nice to have holiday event items for the housing. In EQ2, decorating the house was fun. During holidays, you do the events and get some kind of symbols that you can exchange for the housing items. So during the winter time, my rooms were decorated with ice furniture and had many holiday decorations around the house.
Also, having trophies for events and instances will be nice too.
Being able to add crafting stations and trading post NPCs will be a plus as well.
(edited by Anonumia.2817)
ANet, you should pay attention to this. Player housing would be another awesome way to get people to buy gems. I was under the impression that it would be out with launch, and honestly, it’s one of those features that would keep me playing. I don’t come back all that often anymore, and player housing would give me and a lot of others a sense that the game was ours in a unique way, and give people like me something to come back to. This would be a great way for you to make money – you shouldn’t ignore it!
I loved player housing in Lotro……..I would love to see it in GW2. Although I really have a feeling it won’t happen. Not sure why, but a part of me doubts it will ever be something the ANet devs will do.
Honestly, I’d rather not have Guild Housing because most towns don’t see enough people on a daily basis. Everyone sets up house in LA. Maybe if it were possible to have sections of towns be open Guild Halls, but that would be hard to manage because then only a few guilds will be able to have the halls per server, which wouldn’t really benefit or even help the smaller tight-knit guilds, which would most likely utilize them more as a meeting place than a gathering hall.
I honestly don’t think we’ll ever see player housing. I have two million karma and not a bloody thing I can do with it. So you can see where housing would be extraordinary. Also it would be a large boost to player and event actively for dynamic events.
I would enjoy housing.
i’ve also made a thread about housing system with some ideas taht could be implemented in housing, but it got lost in the pile of other threads but i might revive it, until then this is the thread, take a look at the ideas:) maybe we can amke arenanet see the ideas and maybe put some in the game