You can.
When you use it, you gain a second where projectiles are launched right back at the unlucky kitten who is shooting at you.
You can.
When you use it, you gain a second where projectiles are launched right back at the unlucky kitten who is shooting at you.
Extend reflect duration pleaaaaase
On a similar note, I’d dig a gas mask helmet.
On a similar note, I’d dig a gas mask helmet.
…and it would be awesomelarious if the gas mask helmet caused a secondary effect of muffling all the stuff the wearer says.
Mh mhmf hm hmf mmf mh hmf – MMHMPHMHMPH
Translation – I found a new way to win! OUTSTANDING!
Flamethrower should change your helmet to a gas mask =3
Unrelated, does anyone even use it for the reflect? Seriously, I only use it for the super short duration knockback, so good.
On a similar note, I’d dig a gas mask helmet.
that would be awesome actually!
Part of what I’m looking forward to with the Sorrow’s Embrace armor – helmet looks like a post-apocalyptic filtration helmet or something.