Please Bring This Shield Back...
Hum … that is one fancy shield i agree with you.
not as awesome as the legendary one , but would be one of the best.
Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch
It would be great as human cultural shield.
I think it’s not in GW2 because it was a winner of design a weapon contest for GW1.
I agree it is pretty sick and I would just also like to see more GW1 skins come back in general
thats a mighty fine looking shield.
Can we request the Buklwark from WoW too? I miss my shield!
Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013
It would be great as human cultural shield.
I think it’s not in GW2 because it was a winner of design a weapon contest for GW1.
So was the Wayward Wand, but that made it in.