Please Fix Kill Stealing

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Kill stealing DOES exist in GW2 despite what they say. It happens one of two ways:

1) OP high level comes in and “helps” kill the mob you are killing. You get XP but your drop is NERFED because you did very little damage compared the other player.

This is compounded when you are in an event where most of the chars are smart bots which can go around like real players killing everything faster than you can.

2) Free Slaves (and similar) Heart quests. When you free a slave, it is gone until it respawns. So if two or more players go to free the slave only the one who gets there first gets credit. (this is mainly for the ones where it is one click destroy net) — it isn’t a problem for events but for Heart quests it is a pain. This also occurs I think for the blow up boulders. (I came across this problem in the Sparkfly Fen zone, protect the Quaggan heart quest)

Anet please put on you list to fix.

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rendrag.7419


I can see the slave thing but I really need to see the statics you come up with for the drops

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


Never noticed your first issue, myself. I know for a fact that there have been times when I ran by someone killing something and fired a shot or two at it — doing maybe 10% of its total HP at most — and gotten XP and loot from it. There have been other times when I was pounding away on a champion for 5 minutes, getting gold contribution in the process, and got nothing. The chance of loot and the type of loot seems more random than anything else, in my experience.

As for #2, yes, there are some quests and events with collection aspects that disappear when one player gets to them, but I don’t agree that it needs fixing. That is the only time in PvE when there is actually a small competitive aspect, and there are usually other ways to progress through those events/hearts in addition to the limited number of collection stuff.

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crica.1503


RNG is ____, OP

If I don’t like it, I won’t do it.

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Qaletaqa Hania.2598

Qaletaqa Hania.2598

Never noticed your first issue, myself. I know for a fact that there have been times when I ran by someone killing something and fired a shot or two at it — doing maybe 10% of its total HP at most — and gotten XP and loot from it. There have been other times when I was pounding away on a champion for 5 minutes, getting gold contribution in the process, and got nothing. The chance of loot and the type of loot seems more random than anything else, in my experience.

As for #2, yes, there are some quests and events with collection aspects that disappear when one player gets to them, but I don’t agree that it needs fixing. That is the only time in PvE when there is actually a small competitive aspect, and there are usually other ways to progress through those events/hearts in addition to the limited number of collection stuff.

Well said and I agree.

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


While the first point is completely unsubstantiated and the second is completely workable, there’s also no excuse for the second being an issue at all. In my opinion, the heart quests really only half-succeeded at ArenaNet’s stated goals and could do without a lot more of their vestigial MMO-ness. Every time I “free the slaves” and leave half a dozen of them behind because I met my quota and they just keep spawning, it just ruins it for me.

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khaie.5246


Never had any problems with either of the two issues. #1 I just did not pay attention to – one levels so fast the drops do not matter much. As for the hearts – there are usually several ways to get them, not only free the slaves. I usually run around WITH the mob killing mobs and sometimes freeing the slaves.

The only real kill steal is when you rush towards the event and it’s over in a matter of seconds. But there are so many of them – even if I miss 10% it does not matter.

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Having seen some of the responses, I wanted to clarify and offer positive suggestions on how to fix.

1) The nerfing does not seem to be consistent. Perhaps it was the area I was in when I noticed it. Some events in the Sparkfly Fen zone which were occurring on a fairly regular basis, possibly because there were a lot of players (or bots). The Undead were swarming towards the camp, I rush and put out an AOE, I know I do damage because I can see the damage numbers pop up all over the place. 1-2 seconds later the entire hoard is dead because so many other players are hitting them. (I’m at or below the level range, most of the others have down arrows). I run out and notice that there are few or no sparkling corpses with drops. On the other hand if I switch to a single target attack and pick on a mob that has near full health, I notice that I almost always get a decent drop from it.

I don’t have a problem with higher levels or extremely large numbers of players doing an event. In fact that is a mechanic that SHOULD stay in the game, but Anet advertises that the difficulty scales with the number of players. *This difficulty does not seem to be properly tuned because it gets way too easy if there are a lot of players doing it. *

The sweet spot seems to be 4-10 players when you get to 30-40+ the events are too easy, or rather the wave of mobs go down too fast. The only exception is if there is a Champion boss. Those at least seem to be tough whether there are 5 or 100 attacking.

2) The issue occurs only on a few Heart events I have come across, but I noticed in the Quaggan slave issue it did make me feel like I was being kill stolen and it basically made me change my tactics to rushing to destroy the net to free the slave (one click) instead of cooperatively trying to kill off the Slavers.

This particular Heart quest was annoying and stupid because it was one of the “collecting” type quests. While some players may enjoy it, I think it becomes somewhat tedious to have to walk slowly carrying a bomb to a far off boulder (while mob aggro on you), only to find that someone else has just blown it up. Yes you can also complete it by killing certain mob but the bar moves much more slowly than by freeing slaves and collecting treasure by blowing up boulders.

SOLUTION- I think this quest needs just needs re-balancing, so that you can complete the quest just as fast by all methods. That would make it more cooperative because players would be just as inclined to kill off the mob aggroing the “bomb” carrier as rushing to blow up the boulder.

Normally I would simply skip an annoying Heart quest but since at this level 55-65 the quest unlocks potentially interesting Karma goods, I tend to grit my teeth and work through them.

I don’t know enough about the hidden drop mechanics for #1, it could be that because the zone seemed to be full of bots, some kind of drop nerfing was in place. But it definitely was happening there.


Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


You were just:

1. Unlucky
2. The anty-farming/botting system nerfed your droprates.

Droprates are not lower because you did less damage than someone, trust me.

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

1 drops are not effect by your damage.

2. All the heart quest that has a rescue or free the slave option has other ways to finish the hearts…. So you are not limited to free a slave to complete a free a slave quest.

So… What is the problem again?

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


People play MMO’s like wow where you get loot after every kill then come here and expect the same. You don’t get loot after every kill, nor did you get loot after every kill in GW1. Loot drops randomly on this game and also take into note that there is an anti farming system that lowers your drops/items the longer you kill that type of mob. So you could kill 100 mobs and only get 3 items and that’s just bad luck, you could kill 100 mobs and get loot from every one. But in order to get a “kill” all you have to do is hit them once. When i see people fighting mobs i always get a hit or two on them because we share the exp and the chance of loot. As for number two, it can be annoying on some of those “free the slave” heart quest, however whenever there are quests to free the slaves you can normally complete it by doing other tasks, if there are several players runing around trying to free slaves just kill mobs instead. I lvl up with 3 friends and i’ve never had any problem with playing as a group.

Please Fix Kill Stealing

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I wasn’t farming the area or doing the event more than a couple of times so if an anti-botting measure kicked in, it was because of other players, it should be tuned/fixed for genuine at level players.

The problem with the Heart quest is balance. Tuning to make the game cooperative instead of anti-cooperative.

The game has other more pressing bugs to be fixed. For one, fix the botting problem and bugged quests.

But I would like to point this issue out to Devs to put it on their list to do.