**Please** Give us Guild Tools

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zya.5971


Good morning Suggestion Thread.

I’m not normally one to post and whine in forums, but we are 9 MONTHS into the game, and still no Guild Administrative Tools! If guild leadership wishes to maintain an active healthy guild, we are forced to maintain external databases with last login times ourselves. This is becoming extremely bothersome at this stage in the game. Something as simple as a last login time stamp next to the character name in the roster would be of so much use, and help, to us.

Guild Admins have very few community guild tools available to them, and surely the irony of this in a game called GUILD WARS is not lost on you. (No in game calendar, permanent guild bios that don’t suck up the motd, no player activity timestamps etc). We as players keep being told that ‘guild tools are coming’ but at 9 months into the game, they are still not here, and it’s becoming a sore topic for those of us that have been patiently waiting.

Is there a time frame in which we can expect these tools to be implemented, or is this simply how it will always be in Guild Wars 2?

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Warkeil.8904


I’d like to see the “last login” of every member! I think that is something rather easy to implement!

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aden Celeste.3650

Aden Celeste.3650

I would like to see my guild mates on map, not just party members… Such basic thing in mmorpg maps, and yet is not here.

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: mujtaba.8167


Guild calenders and Guild alliances

Warband leader of Battlecry [Bcry]
The leading force in Gunnars hold

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solefald.8751


I wonder if we ever get a reaction to these problems. There are many threads about this, including mine aswell. Tbh I lost my hope about this ever being fixed.

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zya.5971


A response with a general time frame would certainly be appreciated. Not sure if we will see that or not either, though. :/

**Please** Give us Guild Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: MsCharm.4369


I agree wholeheartedly to the post by Zya. My guild has over 100 members, however, only 20 or so participate on a regular basis, that I know of anyway. There is no way to deem a guildmates participation and therefore, contribution, to the whole of the guild. So frustrating. I am co-guild master of a level 25, over 900 member guild in wow, yes wow. The tools provided in WOW enable a guild that size to run smoothly. I expected even more from GW2, and have been sorely disappointed to date. Developers, How can you continue to ignore such a huge shortcoming in your community. At a minimum are log in times and ability to see each other on the map, of course with the option not to be seen. I still have hope of improvement but it running thin.

Ms Charm
Northern Shiverpeaks