Repping Beastgate since day 1.
Please Let us Filter
Repping Beastgate since day 1.
Considering my guild I can’t believe I need to ask this but can you not block a guild mate?
You can but they still show up in Guild Chat. It’s not that I hate the person; but they spew so much crap out that it’s headache inducing to sift through for the WvW zones and updates.
Repping Beastgate since day 1.
you could always make a chat tab where you have guild chat filtered out.
alternatively you could ask some guild officer/leader to “talk” with said blabbermouth and maybe get them to tone down.
I think a social problem like this requires social solution, not software.
I think a social problem like this requires social solution, not software.
This fully.
If you can’t stand the person. Speak to an officer/leader. If there’s no resolution. Find a new guild as you don’t fit in with their personality.
So you want to control your guild chats content and how much people use it riiiiiiight…….
No, I want to filter if I see that person in chat. Not if other people see them; IDC if they want to sift through her garbage. I don’t and I think blocking someone should block them in guild chat too.
Repping Beastgate since day 1.
You can but they still show up in Guild Chat. It’s not that I hate the person; but they spew so much crap out that it’s headache inducing to sift through for the WvW zones and updates.
Ugh. I didn’t know that the block wont totally filter the person out. In previous online games I’ve played, the block feature helped to tone out the blabbermouths/racists/haters that didn’t add anything to chat.
I almost feel this is a bug with the block feature. If someone is blocked you shouldn’t see any text input from them.
I almost feel this is a bug with the block feature. If someone is blocked you shouldn’t see any text input from them.
^^^ This. As it stands, the all-or-nothing /g implies that in a group of up to 500, everyone will like everyone. Or that harassment is acceptable.
I disagree with previous poster that suggests that social problems require social solutions. I believe personal responsibility should always be considered a first solution.
I don’t have to like everyone, and if I don’t like someone, I should have the freedom to not like them privately. If I want to ignore someone, I should be able to ignore them… privately. There should never be a requirement to involve or escalate to a third-party… and in fact, involving a third-party might be more problematic/dramatic than “do nothing.”
Further, the “quit because you don’t fit” is a pedestrian response. One can not rationally and reliably connect the dots between not wanting to listen to a discrete individual’s blovations and fitting into a guild culture. Any suggestion otherwise is a logical abomination.
(edited by zortek.9607)