Please PLEASE fix the re-spawn rates
Couldn’t agree more…. the spawn rate for certain areas needs to be reduced by about 5 to 10 minutes. This will enable new players to the area that you already cleared to wait a short amount of time to get their kills, without making you mad that the exit to the cave/compound/camp is packed again with mobs.
Agreed wholeheartedly. I would like to be able to say, clear a cave. Of course this could leave other players with nothing to kill. Therefore respawn rates could scale according to area population (makes me think of event difficulty scaling). Also, the respawn timers should be randomized somewhat. How it is now, I know which mob will spawn and at what location. Like if I kill a dredge1 then a dredge2. I know the dredge1 will respawn first since that’s the one I killed first and it’ll respawn right where the last one spawned. Makes it feel fake.
I can’t agree. Yes, some spots are hard to clear solo due to respawns, but that challenges me to figure out what I’m doing and return later. Typically, I find I can clear the spot after gaining a few traits or improving my approach. For some professions, I’m not sure I can solo champions, but it often takes too long to bother, with or without respawning adds.
There are a couple of spots that could be tweaked, but overall, I think the spawn rates are fine.
BTW: typically if I make a request for help in /map chat, I get a few people to help, even in low-pop zones and even for unpopular content.
I back this notion! I get so tired of getting to a boss, finally getting immersed in the fight, only to very quickly discover that all of his minions have been popping up again like weeds one by one.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
I agree. Some areas are almost impossible to get to if you play alone because of all the respawns!
Another thing that I think would improve the respawn behaviour is make it so that creatures can’t respawn within a certain distance of a player, unless there’s a reason why that enemy might be able to catch the player by surprise by suddenly appearing in their vicinity.
One thing I’d also like to see where possible is for respawns to come from another area that would be logical for them to come from. For example, take a centaur for instance – instead of simply respawning where it was just killed, a centaur might respawn at a centaur respawn hub elsewhere on the map that isn’t close enough to a player to be blocked, and then move to the location of the centaur that it spawned as a replacement for. That would a) help with the feeling of a living world immensely, and b) mean that they aren’t mysteriously appearing on top of the player.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
That could work, yes. As long as you are not standing infront of the respawn hub…and what will happen when the mob are on it’s way to the spot “where it is supposed to be”? Will it be immune?
Oh yay a respawn hub, great idea if you’re trying to encourage BOTS…they wouldn’t even have to move to endlessly farm mobs. Immune mobs just wouldn’t work- can’t think of anything that would be more frustrating then trying to kill things that ignore you until they reach a set point.
Nowhere is impossible to get to, and you will find most guilds are more than happy to do a ‘tour’ of the higher level areas to get you all the areas of a map.
Slowing down the respawn rate is a terrible idea, especially for hearts that require a certain number of kills, etc.
I can just imagine the possibilities for griefing by those lovely thief players camping somewhere and not allowing anyone near a mob before they kill it.
I’d love having ‘hard mode’ maps as instances to clear (without champs and events popping up) but would imagine the coding for this would be too much of a challenge at this stage in the game. And no doubt they would make new areas have jump puzzles, squad based, and be as annoying as fractals is.
Haha, great points!
“Slowing down the respawn rate is a terrible idea, especially for hearts that require a certain number of kills, etc.”
But some respawns are way too quick. I defeat one mob and the previous mob pops up right beside me.
“Nowhere is impossible to get to, and you will find most guilds are more than happy to do a ‘tour’ of the higher level areas to get you all the areas of a map.”
Yeah, but that’s cheating :P I want to do everything by myself.
If you think it is bad now, wait until Orr, now that place needs to fix their timer. If you kill something there it will respawn before you have even had a full out of combat regen, crazy.
If you think it is bad now, wait until Orr, now that place needs to fix their timer. If you kill something there it will respawn before you have even had a full out of combat regen, crazy.
you need to up your dps then because orr isnt that bad to kill multiple mobs before anything respawns
Solo’d the entire map on an engineer, pve isn’t that hard even with the crazy respawns in orr- the trick is to kill and move, preferably dragging the mob away from where it will respawn. And using level 60 rare gears in Orr (not fun- they hit hard, don’t try tanking too many).
Sorry there elitists, my post was meant for the OP because if he is having trouble now, he will later.
I second this post. The respawn in this game is terrible. It destroys immersion, it destroys any sense of progress. You basically have a small bubble (about like the old GW1 aggro bubble) where you’ve either murdered everything or have died, and that’s about it. In some cases, if you’re not the right class in the right position with the right build, you can’t even kill them before things you just killed will respawn.
Respawn was a mechanism to get around a flaw in multiplayer shared-experience games where someone had already killed the monster you should head to kill. I’m not sure why you think it’s a good idea.
I don’t see how this is any better than how GW1 was. You create an instance balanced around a fixed # of creatures. Here you balanced an area around a fixed respawn around a fixed difficulty curve. As far as I’m concerned, this is terrible game design. How many games before this sold well and were from 8-8 players? No, They’re “From 1-5” or “2-8” or whatever.
If you have a bunch of people in the area, actively engaging monsters, then speed up respawn. If you don’t, I should actively have to do something or wait around to experience the same creature again. Not wait 30 seconds. Which is what it is in many places.
I second this post. The respawn in this game is terrible. It destroys immersion, it destroys any sense of progress. You basically have a small bubble (about like the old GW1 aggro bubble) where you’ve either murdered everything or have died, and that’s about it. In some cases, if you’re not the right class in the right position with the right build, you can’t even kill them before things you just killed will respawn.
Respawn was a mechanism to get around a flaw in multiplayer shared-experience games where someone had already killed the monster you should head to kill. I’m not sure why you think it’s a good idea.
I don’t see how this is any better than how GW1 was. You create an instance balanced around a fixed # of creatures. Here you balanced an area around a fixed respawn around a fixed difficulty curve. As far as I’m concerned, this is terrible game design. How many games before this sold well and were from 8-8 players? No, They’re “From 1-5” or “2-8” or whatever.
If you have a bunch of people in the area, actively engaging monsters, then speed up respawn. If you don’t, I should actively have to do something or wait around to experience the same creature again. Not wait 30 seconds. Which is what it is in many places.
Bingo and yatzy! This is exactly what I mean. You can’t even turn your back for 2 secs because you are afraid of some mob jumping on you.
Some lv 80 areas around the Orr is just nuts.
The other problem is enemy numbers/power scaling up due to a greater number of players in the area, even though those players might not actually be participating in the event. For example, last night I was passing through a town when an event popped up to defend the town from Risen. OK, not a problem. I move to the circle and prepare to defend it, but the event threw a HUGE number of Risen at me per wave, about 8 – 10 of them, and I and a second player wasn’t able to kill them all fast enough.
Now, I’ve done this event completely solo before, and during that occasion, each wave consisted of only 2 – 3 Risen, a much more manageable number. The difference this time was that there were a number (4 or 5, I believe) of other players who were standing in a safe spot inside a town building near the event. Perhaps they were AFK or roleplaying, I’m not sure which.
I want to make it clear that I in no way blame these players for not participating, but the fact that the game automatically went “Oh hey, there’s 5 – 6 players in the area, so I’ll throw 10 Risen at them per Wave!” despite the fact that the other players did nothing to help is ridiculous. The game should only adds mobs/speed up respawns if it knows for sure that the extra players are actually participating. This means that, in the case of my event, it should only have sent me and the other player 4 – 5 Risen UNLESS the other players jumped in and started attacking the Risen/healing the players fighting them, whereupon the game detects that there are more active players and scales up the number of subsequent waves appropriately.
In the case of respawns, this should also be taken into account so that the game doesn’t up the respawn rate of enemies in a cave just because another player is running past the area or is standing in the mouth of the cave.
+1 Here. Like most players, I am entirely happy to fight my way through mobs, but imho, it’s not only “loot” that rewards us. It’s also the “feel-good” element, which (for me) is currently missing.
Having faught and defeated my way through a series of enemy mobs, elation quickly turns into frustration and annoyance, because they’ve all immediately re-spawned along the path/tunnel I’ve just cleared. The sense of achievement is missing.
Vanquishing used to be a pretty popular pastime in GW1, and whilst I accept that GW2 is a very different entity, I’m guessing that quite a lot of us would still enjoy skirmishing with foes who actually stay dead…. at least until the next time we enter that area/map.
Couldnt disagree more, poeple are fast to complain if/when they get killed. I say learn your class in more depth, OR be more shrewd when it comes to picking your fights.
Of course you are going to get killed if you rush into an area full of mobs and you are solo. Oh hang on wait.. no you want them to make the game easier because you are either impatient or foolish… not gonna happen !
The respawn rate is fine (IMO a little too slow) but this is designed to make a player think about there actions. Like the downscalling, its not designed to let you go around slaughtering mobs without fear of dying. Or here’s a novel suggestion…
Go with a friend, this is an MMO, hence its better to play/share things with guildies or even better to make new friends as you explore areas !
Seriously guys, if you ‘are’ really struggling so badly then maybe you should think about another game ! ?
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !
I seen things spawn in the exact spot it just died also stuff does not need to be strategically placed on a map…make it look more natural…
Phantax: I am not impatient or foolish. But I rather see the mobs harder to kill only if they would respawn slower.
I want the game to be a little harder tbh… but that doesn’t mean I like getting the previous mob respawning in my kitten when I have defeated another one and are about to heal up. That is both annoying as hell and unfair…and bad game design! That guy is supposed to be dead and stay dead for a long time or respawn somewhere else because I am trying to clear a path through the area.
Phantax, you’re a shining example of why I no longer play this game.
Closing this thread since there are already multiple threads on this issue, and I don’t want it to devolve into posters arguing with each other.