Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: mypupdaisy.8126


I “do not” like the new dailys. I used to do them regularly, now I’ve stopped doing them at all. I would prefer to not craft to get a daily. Crafting generally cost money and it’s hard enough to make and keep money in this game. At lvl 63, I can hardly afford the gear, let alone pay for crafting and I don’t care to grind to get money or crafting drops. This has removed one of the things I liked about the game.

Thank you.

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


crafting 10 copper ingots is so expensive? considering you probably collected a lot of ore just for the old dailies…

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Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


you do realize you can create cloth bars of metal and processed wood in this daily right?

I’d be right there with you complaining if they had made this harder by making people put together finished crafted items but they didn’t they made it really simple. (If they had made it harder to get this part of the daily I would be the loudest one here about it because I hate that they failed to permit choices like we were told this game would be such as whether or not I finish events rather then dungeons in my monthly I cannot wait for choice to return to this title.)

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(edited by tigirius.9014)

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


>Get the mats from the gathering daily
>Refine them
>Daily crafting done

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: RiKShaw.8795



“Completing the dailies” is synonymous with “Get the laurels”. You cannot get the laurels without earning them. Do you know how you earn then? BY CRAFTING!

You know how you earn the chest at the end of a dungeon? By completeing the dungeon. Thats how. Its cause and effect. Earn the dailies, get the dailies. You seem to think you still deserve the laurels despite the fact that you need to craft to get the laurels. You are wrong. It says it right there in the game it says

In order to complete the dailies, and therefore get the laurels, and therefore get the amulets, you must craft

Have you crafted? No. Therefore you have not fufilled the requirements to earn the amulets and you are getting exactly what you have earned/deserve. AKA: Nothing.

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Even the MOST basic crafting thing counts. Just do 10 crafting actions.

Or just wait patiently for the patch to come out that will let you skip the crafting if it really bothers you that much.

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


Crafting might actually be the single easiest requirement out of all the dailies, with the exception of possibly gathering. Depending on whether you have the materials stored away, you might not even have to leave town at all.

As others have pointed out, “crafting” doesn’t mean crafting gear or finished products. It can be anything. Planks of wood. Metal ingots. Squares of leather. Bolts of cloth. Balls of dough. Anything, of any material, in any discipline, at any skill level.

If you don’t have any raw materials, just leave it and focus on the rest of the requirements. You will pass all kinds of gathering nodes as you play, which you can immediately turn into something. If your crafting discipline isn’t high enough to refine the stuff that you gathered in a level-appropriate zone, then either visit a lower-level zone and gather there or sell what you did gather and use the money to buy something you can use.

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Crafting might actually be the single easiest requirement out of all the dailies, with the exception of possibly gathering.

Talk to a Laurel Vendor 0/1

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: atilathegun.1950


Crafting is seriously the easiest daily requirement, I always am a little happier when I see it on the list when dailies reset.

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


Crafting might actually be the single easiest requirement out of all the dailies, with the exception of possibly gathering.

Talk to a Laurel Vendor 0/1

Ha ha ha, okay I forgot about that one. That was the easiest, but I think it was probably a one-time thing.

Please Remove Crafting From Dailys

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


It is so not hard to complete the crafting daily.

Just gather a few resources (which is also part of the dailies) and shove those into a furnace or cooking pot or something.

mypupdaisy, get your head out of your kitten and remember that its just a game.
If a part of the game is not to your liking when others find it alright, it will not be removed at your convenience – You either participate or be excluded.

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(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)