Tarnished Coast
Please bring henchmen and heroes back.
Tarnished Coast
I agree, companions would be great to have again.
Im at a loss as to what you want.. As far as I know, these things were never in Guild Wars 2. How could they be brought “back” ?
And Im pretty sure this should be in the suggestions forum.
Im at a loss as to what you want.. As far as I know, these things were never in Guild Wars 2. How could they be brought “back” ?
And Im pretty sure this should be in the suggestions forum.
They told us that they were bringing back the things we loved from GW1. I loved H&H. <3
Also, if it is, a mod will move it soon enough.
Tarnished Coast
I also agree. Nothing I would love more than a Guild Wars 2 with allies that are more patient and uncomplaining than, unfortunately, so many random players are.
I liked the concept of henchmen and heroes back in Guild Wars 1. It kinda fit the title too, having your own “guild” with you (even if they are computer controlled) even if you played on your own.
Now in Guild Wars 2, all that’s really reflecting the title is occasional references to the “guild wars” of the past between the three main human kingdoms and the ‘wars’ between members in the premier guild Destiny’s Edge (who named it that? I bet it was probably Caithe!).
If they brought back NPC allies actually following you as part of your team in some form or another, I wouldn’t mind that much (give them the ability to resurrect themselves after 15 seconds of defeat or something). It could just be restricted to maybe two followers or something, who immediately disband and leave if a real player character joins the party.
I’d be cool with that.
Tarnished Coast
ummmmm NO. taking heros for a full arah run? ummmm no. this won’t be happening in this game sorry
Then fix it so that I can keep up with folks running dungeons.
Tarnished Coast
I don’t think they really fit any more.
And I can’t say I miss them. GW1 was too much about building a “well rounded team” and then watching as their terrible AI bungled everything up. In many cases I would PUG a map simply because my experience with the AI was so downright awful that I’d rather risk playing with complete “noobs” than play with something I know is awful.
Furthermore, GW2’s NPCs, minions, and pets all appear to share the same terrible AI as the folks in GW1. I’d rather see that fixed first before we even think about heroes or henchmen.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
While having a full party of heroes would be nice, I personally would prefer that we each get one. This way it would be helpful for people who play solo with out cutting out the social aspect.
I’m all for bringing H&H back. They were great by the time EotN came around and made the game much more enjoyable for me. I’d love if they made a return in GW2.
Have you considered looking for a guild to help you catch up with them?
thought this game would be different, but apparently it’s not. Limiting play so that people will jump into a single dungeon for everything isn’t the best thing to do. Oh well, guess we’ll see what happens with the population in the coming months with the nerfs, the loot problems, and the new content direction.
With all of the speed buffs that every other class has, I as a mesmer an a detriment to any dungeon group that wants to move fast. I’m tired of everyone zooming ahead, and either I have to equip a subpar weapon or drag behind.
And get yelled at.
Heck, the same goes for WvW. If I’m no longer allowed to keep up with my friends, then please make it so I can play without my friends. I’m tired of being yelled at for being slow. I don’t feel like being yelled at anymore. This is not fun anymore.
My roomie is having issues, too. They are my and my sweetie’s aide. If someone has an emergency, or even just a basic physical need, they have to stop, help us, and come back. This was not an issue in GW1, but in GW2, they get to be made to feel like a jerk for just doing their job.
I realise that fundamentally the issue is with players, but most players don’t want to pause or to go slow. And I don’t think that we should have to put up with nastiness just because we play classes with suboptimal speed or occasionally inconvenient real lives. What GW1 did so well was allow folks like us to access the content without the abuse. Please somehow bring it back.
It’s an MMO. Other players are your henchman.
I can’t expect people to invite me into a group when I can’t be sure whether I have to leave in between. It’s not social to do that, it’s only unfair.
But therefore I’ll never be able to see a dungeon. If I could at least minimize the number of affected players to 1, then I could try to find someone who suffers from the same problem, and we could try our luck…
No support. I already hated heroes and henchmen in GW1. They made it much harder to find real players to play with.
I play a mesmer also, I get my speed from my focus though I agree a torch is better in a dungeon for group support. Seriously if the group is yelling at you for not running fast ALL the time, you better run with people on your friend list or your guildmates. Keep a focus in your inventory for those long runs I dunno?
Anyone know if there is something like the ogre pet whistle for lower level characters?
The whistle is limited to L59+ toons…
Anyways, i find myself thinking about the hirelings system from DDO.
I play a mesmer also, I get my speed from my focus though I agree a torch is better in a dungeon for group support. Seriously if the group is yelling at you for not running fast ALL the time, you better run with people on your friend list or your guildmates. Keep a focus in your inventory for those long runs I dunno?
I’ve tried, then they kitten that the DPS is low. (Because of said focus being equipped when we stop running.)
Then it was like, ‘can you bring your guardian?;’
Like I hadn’t been the one to res everyone all the time, use time warp when their low DPS was dragging on, cleansing, etc.
Tarnished Coast
Henchies and Heroes? Yes, please!
My Options:
1. Revome all dungeons, the first mmo perhaps that didn’t need’m.
2. Add Henches in.
3. Scale instances to group size.
4. At the very least get a LFG Tool, this game seems so 1960’s with how it tries to group people.
I could be wrong, but it’s also my opinion on what I’d rather see.
It’s just really frustrating. In my personal experience, most people in this game are nice. They’re nice for holiday dungeons, nice in chat (usually), nice at events, nice in Orr, etc.
But as soon as you get into a dungeon, creeps start arglebargling over everything. I haven’t gotten to do most because I am in a small guild. I have tried some large guilds but there is always some drama type looking to start a fight.
I don’t like dungeons, not because of the mechanics, but because of the folks playing. If I want a legendary, I have to do dungeons. But invariably, the formerly nice friend rages if you fall behind, or he rages if you can’t do massive AOE damage, or he rages over this or that. And that is NOT FUN.
Anet, why did you lock content behind dungeons? Why aren’t there alternate paths for guilds who can’t get steady groups? Pugs are horrible. They’re part of why I quit WoW.
GW1 let us do dungeons. I love GW2 but I miss GW1 so hard right now. I just want my tokens, but I am not up to being yelled at for hours (or yelled around if whoever is screaming or sniping at whatever) because players can’t be nice when playing the stuff you’ve created.
Please go back to giving us alternate ways of getting nice things. I understand that some players get angry when you allow smaller groups of folks alternate ways of doing things, but I don’t want to be yelled at for being slow, new to a dungeon, or because my roomate had to help suddenly clean my quad sweetie’s wound!
Tarnished Coast
Devolving GW2 to GW1? No way.
They reduced the party size from 8 to 5. That 3 less kittens, if you insist that the community is all kittens that should be replaced by ai.
Devolving GW2 to GW1? No way.
They reduced the party size from 8 to 5. That 3 less kittens, if you insist that the community is all kittens that should be replaced by ai.
Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?
Tarnished Coast
Devolving GW2 to GW1? No way.
They reduced the party size from 8 to 5. That 3 less kittens, if you insist that the community is all kittens that should be replaced by ai.
Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?
this is an mmo, not a single player game.
I hated heroes and henchies in GW1. Especially heroes. Turned the MMO part of the game into single player and drove me away from GW1 PvE. Would hate to see them in GW2.
Devolving GW2 to GW1? No way.
They reduced the party size from 8 to 5. That 3 less kittens, if you insist that the community is all kittens that should be replaced by ai.
Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?
this is an mmo, not a single player game.
Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?
Tarnished Coast
I hated heroes and henchies in GW1. Especially heroes. Turned the MMO part of the game into single player and drove me away from GW1 PvE. Would hate to see them in GW2.
Overall I agree with that, that is why open world is the way to move GW2 forward, things you don’t need groups or henchies for.
Except that to get a legendary, you are forced into dungeons. If there were open-world alternatives, great!
I like people and MMOs, I just don’t like how many of them turn into speed-clearing jerks as soon as you enter a dungeon. No dungeon, no jerkfaces.
Tarnished Coast
Maps, events, re-spawns need to scale to the number of players, there would be no need for Henchmen. One has to wonder how players will do Orr events if the number of players drops? Just because your in a Guild doesn’t guarantee you can find enough players to do a specific event.
GW2 is already too lonely fealing, almost everyone likes to solo in the open world, no a event with lots of people doing it isnt exactly playing together, yeah you might focus on one event together then depart from eachother, also your not really stratagizing and your basicly just soloing with more people around you, in a party you would talk, and use tacticts to overcome things.
In gw1 most people starting prefering henchman and the game basicly turned singleplayer since it was faster and a lot of the time easeir to have henchman as they didn’t make mistakes and their were a lot of casuals in gw1, that made grouping not always an easy experince when you had so many casual players who sat their clicking autoattack.
I played gw1 for 5 years starting from the beta, then owned the game on release day, so i know.
With all of the speed buffs that every other class has, I as a mesmer an a detriment to any dungeon group that wants to move fast. I’m tired of everyone zooming ahead, and either I have to equip a subpar weapon or drag behind.
You are running with rude people. A lot of the speed buffs can help the entire party. As a warrior I keep a warhorn handy to equip for running and I will generally fall back to use it next to whoever is falling behind so they can catch up. It takes little effort for classes with party speed boosts to consider the whole team.
On the other hand, as a Mesmer you can do the same thing and switch out a weapon to get the speed boost just for running then switch back before entering combat. It is only a minor thing but can save you a lot of hassle.
I realise that fundamentally the issue is with players, but most players don’t want to pause or to go slow. And I don’t think that we should have to put up with nastiness just because we play classes with suboptimal speed or occasionally inconvenient real lives. What GW1 did so well was allow folks like us to access the content without the abuse. Please somehow bring it back.
Simple solution is to run with people who know your circumstances. Try out a few groups/guilds and eventually you will find a good group of people that do not mind slight breaks. The group I run with know that when my son needs me I have to go AFK, they don’t mind because they know. If you aren’t willing to try find such a group then maybe you just shouldn’t do dungeons considering your circumstance.
(edited by Bluestone.7106)
Devolving GW2 to GW1? No way.
They reduced the party size from 8 to 5. That 3 less kittens, if you insist that the community is all kittens that should be replaced by ai.
Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?
this is an mmo, not a single player game.
Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?
i don’t care. all i care about is the general effect of henches to the game.
because henches are a bad mechanic that would ruin the “mmo” part of the game.
also, i want dungeons to be 5 man. so i care now. i want dungeons to be played by a 5 man team.
I enjoyed building a hero squad in GW1. It was cool equipping your whole team with the best gear but this game doesn’t seem the type to need extra cpu players. Instead of having fully configurable hero’s I wish there were a mercenary tavern you could visit to rent a team of computer controlled players with really good AI scripts that made them a lot more useful then henchmen or heros ever were.
Better yet I like that idea of spells that give you assistance like the thief elite the calls in 2 more thief’s. The golems rock and the mesmers phantasms are cool too. I wish there was clone a guildie elite that would like you call the exact character model of one of you fellow guildmates into the fight for 30 seconds.
Ok. Guess I’ll go for whisperblade instead of a legendary. Makes my life easier.
Tarnished Coast
this is an mmo, not a single player game.
Small groups can’t even complete some of the events. What happens when the population drops, what then?
How do you complete Orr events if their are not enough players on the map? It took me a week to finish Malcor’s Leap because there were not enough players to do an event. Even if your in a Guild, others may not want to due a specific event on a specific map so you can complete it!
Hey guys, hate Henchies and Heroes? Then join a guild since that seems to be your advice for everything.
I loved heroes and henchmen in GW1. Tweaking my little team of heroes became one of my favorite things to do in game. But this game is so different, I’m not sure how they could be made to work effectively. I remember in the early talk about the game, the developers had discussed a ‘companion’ system, but then when BWE1 happened without it, they said they had scrapped it because it seemed like it wasn’t needed (I’m going from memory here, but could probably find old links). I have a doubt about that, though, given that there are rewards that are unique to dungeons, and there are players for whom dungeons are simply not feasible. Maybe the answer isn’t to bring back AI support, but to expand the range of options for acquiring certain items, e.g. make the dungeon token requirement for legendaries be ‘dungeon tokens’ or ‘something obtainable in PvE’ or ‘something obtainable in WvW.’
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
Honestly, I can’t see at all how they’d do this. That being said, if they did do this, I would be veeeeeeeeeeeeery happy. Heroes/Henchies were insanely useful in the brief bit of GW1 I played to get the heritage stuff (<3 MOX)
Ugh, no. They frustrated the kitten out of me in GW1. They could never come close to a decent human player, and you had to babysit them far too much. It was like playing a strat game at times.
When ANet releases an actually decent LFG tool (and hopefully very soon) then things will start going a lot better.
P.S. A good LFG tool should actually be priority at this stage. I’m not sure the developers realize how frustrated players are at the present and will do FotM a lot of good. Why not look over at GW1, it actually had a pretty good LFG tool, and GW2 not having at least the same one implemented at launch is confounding.
Ugh, no. They frustrated the kitten out of me in GW1. They could never come close to a decent human player, and you had to babysit them far too much. It was like playing a strat game at times.
When ANet releases an actually decent LFG tool (and hopefully very soon) then things will start going a lot better.
P.S. A good LFG tool should actually be priority at this stage. I’m not sure the developers realize how frustrated players are at the present and will do FotM a lot of good. Why not look over at GW1, it actually had a pretty good LFG tool, and GW2 not having at least the same one implemented at launch is confounding.
Personally, I think not having them play on par with a human player is a good thing. They could be there for solo running dungeons, at the cost of being much less effective. Solo players get their dungeon stuff done, groups of players still blatantly the better option 99% of the time.
this is an mmo, not a single player game.
Unfortunately, yes. I guess that would be better (and as long as there’s an internet connection, they still could sell additional character slots, bag slots and so on at their item shop).
It’s just really frustrating. In my personal experience, most people in this game are nice. They’re nice for holiday dungeons, nice in chat (usually), nice at events, nice in Orr, etc.
But as soon as you get into a dungeon, creeps start arglebargling over everything. I haven’t gotten to do most because I am in a small guild. I have tried some large guilds but there is always some drama type looking to start a fight.
I don’t like dungeons, not because of the mechanics, but because of the folks playing. If I want a legendary, I have to do dungeons. But invariably, the formerly nice friend rages if you fall behind, or he rages if you can’t do massive AOE damage, or he rages over this or that. And that is NOT FUN.
Anet, why did you lock content behind dungeons? Why aren’t there alternate paths for guilds who can’t get steady groups? Pugs are horrible. They’re part of why I quit WoW.
GW1 let us do dungeons. I love GW2 but I miss GW1 so hard right now. I just want my tokens, but I am not up to being yelled at for hours (or yelled around if whoever is screaming or sniping at whatever) because players can’t be nice when playing the stuff you’ve created.
Please go back to giving us alternate ways of getting nice things. I understand that some players get angry when you allow smaller groups of folks alternate ways of doing things, but I don’t want to be yelled at for being slow, new to a dungeon, or because my roomate had to help suddenly clean my quad sweetie’s wound!
This. I don’t run dungeons in MMO’s anymore, because it’s just not fun, for all the reasons stated above. And, yeah, in every thread like this one, people chime and and say, “Join a guild…” I’m in a guild, but that doesn’t really help much. Guilds splinter into cliques, guildies get tired of revisiting old material, people move on, etc.
If we had either a) henchmen, or b) scaling of content to group size, I’d run dungeons again – solo. But it’s just not worth it as it is now. My 80 characters aren’t much fun to play, with the current system. So I’ll just level alts until that gets too boring and repetitive, then move on to the next game.
Henchmen worked cause they sucked so bad they made you WANT to play with humans ( Lina using renew life mid battle for instance ). Heros on the other hand destroyed the game by taking the need to play with others out of the equation even for things like 55 smite. I never want to see the return of such a thing .
Henchmen never made me wish I was playing with other people. :/ Yeah the AI was horrible at times, and had to work a bit harder to make up for their deficiencies, but that was understandable. They are AI, of course there’s limits. There’s no explanation for how horrible real people are, if not in gameplay then in attitude towards others.
I’ll take a scripted henchmen any day of the week
Everyone seems to dislike the henchmen/heroes in GW1? This is a bit surprising for me since I never had any problems with them, discounting Alesia’s monking style. Obviously there were skills that they couldn’t use properly, but their AI was improved on a regular basis and I thought it was a great thing.
I also want to make the point that people said heroes/hench ‘ruined’ GW1 in the sense it made it more ‘anti-social’. To be fair, the game was pretty anti-social anyway, with its heavy instancing the population was going to be extremely diluted between outposts. Heroes and hench were necessary for a variety of reasons, either people had crazy schedules, they preferred to play alone or they just can’t stand incompetence. There weren’t always going to be enough players around to do a particular mission. Ok that’s a bit of mild history lol.
In this (GW2’s) case I think it’s difficult to fit them into regular PvE play because the world is so open. However I definitely think there should be options for story mode dungeons that involve henchmen/heroes so a player can experience the story, without depending upon other players. Of course there can be various other tweaks made to achieve this without the need for h/h introduction.
Otherwise, I think there are perhaps clever ways to integrate them. Perhaps in heavily underpopulated areas, spawn cute little ‘helper npc’s’ that you can recruit and run around in localised areas to assist with combat, and help you not feel lonely. At least this way, it doesn’t become too overbearing.
I really loved h/h, but I do feel it can’t be integrated in quite the same way here.
I would vote to go for an inbetween option, get hero’s/hench in the game, only to be used for dungeons on STORY mode. First of all it is hard to find a group for story mode as everyone wants to do exp. mode, second in this way players who don’t like to be part of a PuG can farm the story mode to get their dungeon armor/legendary, only they will need way longer since you can only do one story mode/day for bonus /dungon while you have 3 exp. lines/day that you can do. So it still stimulates to get real man groups for dungons, but you have an escape if you really don’t like that to still get your legendary in this way. And in general you can actually play the story modes of the dungeons (and also watch the story, as most players who want to help you usually force you to skip the story parts, because they cost time….
that option gets my vote. something for everyone.
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community
Ok. Guess I’ll go for whisperblade instead of a legendary. Makes my life easier.
This is exactly what i did,
I have just finished getting all the mats together to make ‘’Reaver of the mists’’ and i now use that as my ’’shiny’’ weapon instead of doing dungeons for tokens to eventually get a legendary.
I just got totally sick of the Elitists hurling abuse if you so much as pulled something one nano second too soon in there perfect dungeon run.
Or as what happened most of the time loading into the dungeon to find the leader and most of the rest had bolted off like racehorses with me tagging along at the back trying to keep up like billy no mates..
So yea the idea you put forward in your OP great idea. im all for it
Oh i’d totally love to see this. I’ve been actually hoping to have something similar on launch.
Why would i play GW2 all by myself? Because i don’t like you. I don’t want you in my party. I don’t want to see your words on my screen. Simple as that.
Expected some elaborate explanation? No, I just don’t like playing with you. I’m sure you’re a nice person and you have great qualities and you are very skilled at this game. I still don’t like you.
I like this game. People who play it on the other hand… I try to turn off the public chat channels and just enjoy the game.
Ugh, no. They frustrated the kitten out of me in GW1. They could never come close to a decent human player, and you had to babysit them far too much.
I understand what you’re saying, but the NPC’s we’re saddled with during our personal story are exponentially worse. Not only can they not come close to a decent human player, they can barely approximate the skill level of my cat if I were to sit her down at my computer and sprinkle catnip on my keyboard.
I’d rather have to do a little babysitting of henchmen than constantly have to rez useless cannon fodder.
(edited by minbariguy.7504)