Please do something...
Well it seems to me that you have answered your own question, if you don’t like it so much then go back to playing your old game.
Posting something like this on the forums is hardly constructive, more insulting.
ANet have made an outstanding game; yes, with all new games comes bugs and fine tuning, but i am sure in the long run will be as successful as GW1 or even more.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
Well it seems to me that you have answered your own question, if you don’t like it so much then go back to playing your old game.
Posting something like this on the forums is hardly constructive, more insulting.ANet have made an outstanding game; yes, with all new games comes bugs and fine tuning, but i am sure in the long run will be as successful as GW1 or even more.
It’s constructive all right! If a ship is sinking, it’s a good thing to raise the question WHY and to ask for the repairs. What doesn’t help is to be “polite” and let the ship go down.
I was not referring to bugs – besides the bugs, the very game core is flawed. And I’m not insulting anything or anyone, I said the truth – how I see it.
I am playing a reconstruction of an old game and am happy with it, while not touching the game I expected so much from. I have the right to say so, do I?
But, but you did not really say what was wrong with the game? Please don’t say lack of mounts :p hehe. IMO this game was alot more than I had originally expected, though I thought it would be very similiar to the original, but depends on how well you also take change as GW2 tends to bend the normality of the MMORPG. Yet I have not indulged in Xcom yet but, only know its a remake of a game i missed out on by 5 or so years and its a new release/
All i am saying is that to say the game is flawed and not give examples, is not constructive.
Always remember, ANet cannot cater for all those who play, and there will be players that are disappointed. I will say though, GW1 was very successful and still had a large following up until GW2 was released. (7 years I think) So they must be doing something right.
I would suggest that you go back to playing your ‘old’ game and maybe come back in a few months to see what it is like then. In the mean time, at least refrain from posting on these forums with such negativity and give ANet a chance to iron out the bugs first.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
All i am saying is that to say the game is flawed and not give examples, is not constructive.
I’ve written posts after posts after posts about what I believe is flawed and what needs to be done about it, the best I could. Many other people have done the same thing.
This, right here, is just the result of ANet’s “efforts” that’s reflected through my interests and feelings. They did nothing significant about the game-play but fix various bugs, nor did they give any heads up about their intentions – which leads me to a conclusion that they HAVE no intentions to do anything about all the complaints.
And wow – give them a chance to iron out the bugs? The game has been in development for how long? And it’s been released for how long? So it should take them a whole year to just iron the bugs out!?
And in the following 3-5 years they might change their flawed game mechanics?? It’s completely irrational to expect that kind of patience from a customer. It’s not a game my parents or children made, that I’m so set to succeed. Who cares, I’ll move on to a next game.
It’s not negativity on MY behalf. It’s all the things they did wrong, and are still doing. I didn’t show up here swinging my fists and swearing/insulting, I just said that this game lost my attention and I happily showed up here to let them know that, because I think it’s just lame to let customers down like that.
(edited by Raging Bull.5048)
It’s also irrational to expect them to fix issues instantly. You are very naive to think the issue of programming is so simple that bugs can be stomped quickly, or mechanics changed in the space of 2 months. If you go by your logic, the devs should by all rights have an expansion or something ever month or so.
I can assure you that is not the case. first they need to make concepts, make the idea happen, then test it, then rework it, and test it again. Upon lunching bugs WILL slip by and when the players can report them so the devs can deal with them. those little bugs can ruin a game, the devs in this one understands this. I’ve played a game where the devs allow game breaking bugs to stick around for YEARS and it was a factor in ruining the game for me and many others.
the game was only out for like what 2 MONTHS yet you seem to expect full blown changes in the game mechanics. that will not happen and you’ll be hard pressed to find any mmorpg. If it bugs you that much then go to your other game then come back instead of insulting the dev team. It’s what i’m currently doing not just for this game but one or 2 others.
@ Raging Bull. Ah, ok that makes sence. in that case, ANet stop what your doing, you really need to listen to this guy, he has some issues that really need to be addressed. You should stop what your doing and focus all your attention on his gripes, otherwise he will leave.
For the love of god, why do people always have to be so inpatient?
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
There’s a fine line between saying something is broken and needs to be fixed, and changing something to better suit the tastes of a person (or a group). For all we know, what you think they’re doing wrong, is exactly what they think they’re doing right. And it’s worse when some/alot of people agree.
and about bugs, all games have bugs, well especially online ones for some reason. It’ll take at least 6 months to iron out all the bugs imo, but despite the bugs, the game is still highly playable.
For everybody defending the state of the game saying it’s only been released for 2 months are talking out of their kitten factory.
Many many of us have been beta testing since May, that’s six months ago and you know what? A large majority of the bugs filed during that period are still in the game. Many of the criticism’s and concerns expressed during Beta where also ignored.
How about all the pro-gw2 players start a thread or two detailing what is actually working in the game apart from exploring and being able to play as infrequently as you’d like!
The content we got to play during Beta was fantastic, it was exciting and fresh, the final stress test had my so positive about the game, that is until the content we didn’t get to play was opened at release and major features started breaking down.
I truly sympathise with ArenaNet but for me personally in retrospect I wish they had stated that their major target audience was the casual player so I could have saved myself from the extreme disappointment I’ve experienced.
Why should players settle for a “good enough” product when the potential is there for something truly great. I sincerely hope that all the game needs is time to mature and broaden the demographic targeted. I don’t play Wow and never will.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
It’s as if it’s UNDERSTOOD that a product is released highly flawed at it’s base and riddled with bugs, and then it takes months/years to fix all that.
What’s the development process for then?
On the other hand, I’m not saying I represent a majority or minority, I don’t deal with any numbers. Right from the start I said this is all about my reaction to their inertia. If any of you find yourselves along these lines fine. If any of you don’t, that’s also fine.
ANet needs to know that what they are/aren’t doing has consequences, and I was happy to state my feelings regarding their product I spent my money on. That alone gives me the right to do so.
“…because ever since I got my hands on X-Com: Enemy Unknown I haven’t logged in ONCE, nor do I feel the need to.”
Really? I keep playing XCom for a few hours until it does something to annoy me and go back to guild wars. Why do you expect one game to take 100% of your life for 100% of the time? Once I’m done with XCom once I’m probably never gonna touch that kitten muffin again.
What a productive thread:
“I don’t like this game as much as this other game I’m playing – please make me like it more than the other game”