Please don't ever, EVER simplify this game

Please don't ever, EVER simplify this game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Milo.3840


This game is so freaking awesome.. it’s unreal. Please don’t make the same mistake Blizzard did by simplifying everything. It ruins the idea of making your character unique to you in every way. What in specific I’m talking about here is talents, skills, traits, weapons, etc etc. In my opinion, when you simplify everything, it leads to a lot less to strive for, planning as you level, and it makes the game bland beyond reason.

If anything, make it more complex in expansions. But only as you advance in levels, so in doesn’t overwhelm you when you first start off.

For example:
-More weapon skills that can be selected. Like your 6-0 slot skills. Also less high-cooldown skills that require waiting for “that moment”.

-TONS more skins. This will make you more revenue and allow characters to be [more] unique.

-Crafting specializations! So you can be a weaponsmith, cool. Well how about an expert sword weaponsmith? The swords can have unique looks, magical effects, extra upgrade slots, etc etc.

-Allow other players to view your story and see how you impacted the world. Bosses slain, PvP kills, WvWvW resources acquired, etc.

-More races? I’m sure everyone has already said that, so it’s unimportant. But yea. Charr and Norn ftw.

Please don't ever, EVER simplify this game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jerlis.1507


I agree, simplification is a game killer and I am already worried about this new ascended gear they are going to implement. What i talk about is that the ring you can get had ALL stats on it in similiar proportions. I hope Anet will never make any more items like this.

From other suggestions I am agree with all but the story viewing. Why? Because the story is linear beyond belief, it is so straightforward and boring that it’s dipressing even. Whatever optinos you chose the result will always be the same, everyone is the commander and a good friend of Trihaern (or whatever the name of that emo plant), everyone is good, brave and flawless hero. Screw that. Rather add tool for roleplayers that would allow to write your own information in it and let others see it.

Please don't ever, EVER simplify this game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inkubus.7529


I am not sure about new race, I would like to have them but I think some other things are priority IMO. I would prefer to have choice for new quest chains / personal stories to be selected after completing original one.

Look here some ideas

As for complexity look at this
(it is long explanation but worth every word in it)

Inkarius [ele] Inkores [war] Inkratos [ran] Inkariosa [nec] MaINK The Liar [thf] Inklusion [msmr]

Please don't ever, EVER simplify this game

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


I thouroughly agree, I made a topic about it myself suggesting certain things I think some of you may find interesting stuff inside. Not much of bumping, I don’t like doing that but some ideas may need emphasis.

For example I’m sick of possibility of constructing my own Golem as an Asura and summon it in battle.

Exploring locations in order to find sacred places to commune with the spirits of Tyria in order to better understand the nature and get its blessing being a Sylvari? That could be cool.