Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: travosaga.6089


Repair costs are very high. Everybody knows this. Now we have this fun thing called WvW where you are constantly dying. I feel that we are already punished severely for death with extremely long runs back with no way to shorten them. Also, death often means your team is losing an important objective that helps the server out. The punishments are already in place. Why do we need the additional cost of repairing our items every time we die?

I’m not suggesting we eliminate repair costs altogether (although I think they are an archaic mechanic), I’m suggesting we eliminate the repair costs strictly for WvW pvp.

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quench.7091


I was playing Planetside 2 beta today and it felt great not having to worry about repair costs all the time, yet I still acted the way I do in GW2 WvW. I would follow a small group around to make sure I didn’t die so often. Repair costs are supposed to discourage certain actions. Right now they discourage trying to fight an enemy that outnumbers your team and encourage super sized zerg groups that outnumbered teams cannot stop. For those reasons I think they should be removed.

However, I can see the need for a gold sink for people who don’t contribute to their team’s effort in keeping control of bases. I usually see things like supply camps without any upgrades purchased for them. The only way I can think of to promote that gold sink while removing this one would be to make it so people who buy a base upgrade get no armor damage in WvW for a certain amount of time. Maybe that would be a good way to hit two birds with one stone?

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


If you complete events/kill npcs or people you’ll get more money than you spend on repairs.

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: travosaga.6089


Except right now WvW is all about whomever has the biggest numbers wins nearly 100% of the time. Because of high repair costs, once a server gains the advantage there is basically no reason to keep fighting since it means death and repair costs.

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Not really. I’ve been to WvWvW plenty of times, both when I’m winning and when I’m losing and the repair costs were always compensated. It takes like 20 deaths for an item to be broken, in the meantime you’ll gain enough money from just killing the npcs at a supply camp along with the caravans.

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: travosaga.6089


Not really. I’ve been to WvWvW plenty of times, both when I’m winning and when I’m losing and the repair costs were always compensated. It takes like 20 deaths for an item to be broken, in the meantime you’ll gain enough money from just killing the npcs at a supply camp along with the caravans.

What? Every time you die, a piece of equipment is damaged. This is how it is everywhere in the game.

Please drop repair costs for PvP deaths.

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I agree.

There is already enough incentives to not go out of the spawn to get killed. It is called walking a long distance. I worry about that more than I worry about broken equipment.

However, when a losing team gets killed over and over again and see the repair bill. They’ll just leave because WvW isn’t profitable anymore.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant