Please make See invisibility food/potions.
Can I get a food/drink that makes me immune to mesmer clones?
The main issue with stealth, for me, is that due to client/server lag, what is supposed to be a sequence of activate skill→unstealth→cast skill turns into activate skill → cast skill →activate skill 2→cast skill 2→activate skill 3→unstealth→cast skill 3. This is the major problem with stealth in every mmo in existence. Stealth is nearly impossible to balance aside from severely nerfing any attack coming out of stealth, simply because stealth fading can not be properly addressed due to inherent lag. With the initiative system of the thief where skills can be spammed extremely quickly, this stealth exit lag problem is exacerbated.
Its still possible to aoe a hidden thef, way cant the classes stay unique way would you want to render them useless becuse you dont play them? balancing is one thing and changing the character of a class is anoter.
Making stealth permanent takes nothing away from the class, at all…….
I’d rather not see long-duration/permanent stealth or stealth counters. I’m confident ANet can solve the rendering issues without needing to resort to this sort of band-aid.
In my opinion i dide stay on topic i read the comments and responded as thay stand.
but i guess this is not a free world that we live in -.-