Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Especially with the introduction of the essences of luck – I hate clicking 250 times every time I get a full stack.

For the love of god, please make a “use all” function – even have a double confirm if you want, just please fix this.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


-1 this is your problem. A-Net is not forcing you to first get full stack of items then consume them

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


-1 this is your problem. A-Net is not forcing you to first get full stack of items then consume them

LOL it’s a convenience request.

nice comment though troll

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


-1 this is your problem. A-Net is not forcing you to first get full stack of items then consume them

LOL it’s a convenience request.

nice comment though troll

I use them when i get them. I am not waiting to get full stacks. The same thing with every material I sell. I got like 5-15 of them I sell. So again, It is just your problem.
Also, from a realistic point of view, you can’t eat 250 pies in 1 bite. That would feel weird

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uvatha.5476


As an artificer you can upgrade these huge stacks of luck to the next tier to reduce your clicking.

5 fine (10 luck) = 1 masterwork (50 luck)
2 masterwork = 1 rare (100 luck)
2 rare = 1 exotic (200 luck)

Compressing your essence stacks may be the best answer you can hope for.

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

-1 this is your problem. A-Net is not forcing you to first get full stack of items then consume them

Nobody is forcing you to use this function either (if it gets added). Seriously calm down, he is just making a suggestion about an option used for convenience. What problem could you possibly have with a request for such a simple and optional feature?

I would like this option for karma drips.

Also, from a realistic point of view, you can’t eat 250 pies in 1 bite. That would feel weird

From a realistic point of view, you can’t drink Karma either. Karma is not a thing, it can’t be bottled. But luckily, realism does not apply in a fantasy video game.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: dbgamer.3407


Thank you Uvatha for the suggestion, didn’t know that.

And thank you Windu – Karma is a good point as well. Useful additions to the thread.

Arkenell of Fort Aspenwood

Please - make a "use all" function for stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onineko.5943


“Use all” option would be helpful in much more situation than only essence of luck. It’s also about karma (as Windu The Forbidden One.6045) said, also good for daily feasts and whats most important (imo) – 100’000 drinks.
Same think is about buying for example potions from dungeon merchant or alcohol from karma vendor. Clicking thousands of times is not what most of people enter GW2 for.
And before Ronah.2869 answer same as in 1st reply – it’s about suggest something that would make the game better, not find a reason to quit it.