Please make the LFG listing cross-map

Please make the LFG listing cross-map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jadex.7402


I’m not asking for something as complex as a dungeon finder, but please make the LFG listing system more friendly. I believe this would GREATLY help in group creation.

1) Give players the ability to type out which dungeons they are interested in, how many more they need for their group, etc.

2) Please make the listing cross-map

3) Maybe even make the dungeon listing system one of the main options in the upper left icons rather than hidden inside the friend UI.

Please make the LFG listing cross-map

in Suggestions

Posted by: skaaz.4281


While your waiting for something that might not ever come.

I will alert our UI team to this thread so they can take a look at it, considering all your feedback for an enhanced LFG system. I’m not going to make any promises, but I will at least make sure those who are responsible for this system will get your feedback.

Thank you all for your constructive criticism and feedback.

Take a look at this.

Tired of spamming chat or wasting money warping to a dungeon area to hope to find a group? Since there is no LFG tool atm, I decided in my boredom at work to quirky wip one up this morning and put it on my EC2 instance.
*If you get a landing page give it a bit for the DNS change to propagate*

Simple to use, log in to FB, put in your class, level, server, and what your looking to do and hit start it will list people who are also looking for that dungeon "or any dungeon".

It is probably buggy and I havent put any time into styling it for the desktop or mobile platform (but it should work for both right now in its ugly state). If everyone hates it I will stop working on it and will have only lose the few bucks for domain registration, if it becomes popular I will put a lot more time into polishing it and adding new features (plus mobile apps). Will this probably flop? Yea... but you never know.*

Hope to get some positive and/or constructive criticism.

Link to the above Quotes

quote 1

quote 2

Member of Cradle Guard

(edited by skaaz.4281)

Please make the LFG listing cross-map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


Signed and support, we need better grouping tool in game