Please no more mini games

Please no more mini games

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auron.3526


Please stop with all the mini games. Please let me keep my abilities (Or at least expand on them) and give us new content that is not fan service to other genre’s (Quake, Hunger games). So far this patch I have enjoyed the Candidates Trials but that’s about it. I might log in and run a few more trials but really there is only so much you can run a single event. I will be kitten ed if I will be collecting 2500 points in hunger games.

Personally some of the crowning achievements I feel you have added to this game were

-Fractals (Endless dungeons with cool events and nice rewards, Thank you sign me up)
-The molten alliance Story instances(Awesome but very short, but it told a story so I really enjoyed them).
-The molten alliance dungeon was awesome.
-I really enjoyed searching for the kites. Scavenger hunts are pretty neat(Would be cool if you added new bosses in the open world to protect some of the kites).

I really hope as you go forward you lay off the mini games slightly (Ok a LOT) and start adding more events and story. I really enjoy this game as a Mesmer and I really like playing this game with the skills you have provided.

Please no more mini games

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paladine.2569


I think the mini games are great. The recent ones have been very well designed, but there does need to be a balance between minigames and actual game content. I was expecting a dungeon with all the foreshadowing that was put in, and it honestly feels like the current living world is progressing a little a slowly.

Regarding the 2500 achiev, that’s for the people who really enjoy the game. I see no harm in that. It’s not really much more prolonged as Keg Brawl, though Keg Brawl does have a title attached to it.

Please no more mini games

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


  • They’ll be expanding on the number of skills and traits we have.
  • Both the F+F and Aetherblade dungeons are being put into the Fractals.
  • Hunger Royale was quite popular back in Beta 3, and a lot of people wanted it back.
  • As for Scavanger Hunts, this was datamined:

Treasure hunting

109605_0298 Double-click this item to place an X on your map, then dig at that location to create a treasure event for all nearby players.
109605_0299 Treasure Map[s]
109814_0424 Find Buried Treasure!
109814_0425 Using one of these maps marks a hidden treasure location on your map. Treasures may be guarded by hostile enemies.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.