Please no more mini games
I think the mini games are great. The recent ones have been very well designed, but there does need to be a balance between minigames and actual game content. I was expecting a dungeon with all the foreshadowing that was put in, and it honestly feels like the current living world is progressing a little a slowly.
Regarding the 2500 achiev, that’s for the people who really enjoy the game. I see no harm in that. It’s not really much more prolonged as Keg Brawl, though Keg Brawl does have a title attached to it.
- They’ll be expanding on the number of skills and traits we have.
- Both the F+F and Aetherblade dungeons are being put into the Fractals.
- Hunger Royale was quite popular back in Beta 3, and a lot of people wanted it back.
- As for Scavanger Hunts, this was datamined:
Treasure hunting
109605_0298 Double-click this item to place an X on your map, then dig at that location to create a treasure event for all nearby players.
109605_0299 Treasure Map[s]
109814_0424 Find Buried Treasure!
109814_0425 Using one of these maps marks a hidden treasure location on your map. Treasures may be guarded by hostile enemies.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.