Magic Find is not in the “spirit” of Guild Wars 2. Why is it here? Why does it exist? In attempting to answer these questions, I found no clear answers. The simple answer is that it shouldn’t exist.
There is no endgame. This is not a complaint, but an observation. The game is focused on providing a content stream to keep players playing the game, and not grinding away for hours getting better equipment. There is a grind for Legendary items, but this is not the primary goal of the end game. This is support for Magic Find, but with such a small amount of players being the target group for Legendary items seem like a rather small reason to support its existence.
Everyone has the best armor. You can get the best armor of the game with relative ease, without magic find. This leaves the only stuff to get as being purely cosmetic, or having unique stat combination. However, most of these stat combination exotics have requirements that are not affected by Magic Find. Karma merchants in Orr, dungeon armor sets for tokens, and PvP items for Badges of Honor. So, you’re not using MF to obtain these items.
So what is everyone using MF for? Obviously to earn gold faster to get legendary items, or the few items in the game that are obtainable from the Mystic Forge, and finally cultural sets. This makes sense as a reason to include Magic Find, but let’s look at this more closely. These items are not necessarily better than anything else, so there is little reason to obtain these items to have better experiences in dungeons, general pve, pvp, etc,. But to get these items people are primarily using MF based items to get them quicker. So, these players finally reach the end of the grind train, and are left with their new shiny armors and weapons and nothing else to earn. They return to playing the game with their goal reached, and I feel this would be the end of the game for players.
It is thus better to let players work toward these items with armors, weapons, and accessories designed to be used in dungeons, general pve, and pvp without MF, then it is to play this same content with only MF gear. You’re just reaching the end goal faster, and thus the problems of having nothing to do more quickly.
But you don’t have to use Magic Find. However, since Magic Find is in the game, and makes things more efficient then it is only logical to play with Magic Find items. This lessens Magic Find as an option and makes it feel like a requirement. I’ve been trying to avoid it, but everyday I want it more and more, just so my gold goes up a little faster as I work toward my cultural items. This isn’t a tension players should be forced to contend with. That tension being, should I shell out for some magic find, to get the expensive stuff I want, or just keep working at a slower pace toward the same end goal.
Wouldn’t the game become more of a grind? Sure, but also no. You’re grinding either way, but let’s face it, there are actual endgame problems to Guild Wars 2 that needn’t be addressed in this post but may magnify the need for MF to reduce the grind feeling of the game. There are options to address this such as increasing drop rates of mats or reduce costs of legendary items to compensate. Adding a system similar to Diablo 3’s Paragon Level that adds MF as you level up naturally, or just remove the system and add more content to pass time and remove the “grind” and make it feel more like a game after 80.
So, in conclusion please remove MF as I see no point in playing the whole game with it to get items that I will only use after I’ve played all the game has got to offer. Let the expensive stuff be rewards for playing the game a long time, and not have MF being a way of reaching that reward faster.