Please remove tournament wins from monthly

Please remove tournament wins from monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awe.1096


If you guys at consider monthly PvP achievement to be intended for luring PvE and casual players to PvP content then just get rid of this . Up until December or so it was fairly OK to solo queue to tournaments and win every once in a while. Right now this experience is just horrifying. Considering that you need to wait for 8 teams to form up (looong queues). Considering that more often than not you are faced vs. a premade or 4v5.

For the first few months after release I did the “3 wins” thingy in one evening. Also queued to frees sometimes for a bit of fun. I remember already in January it a was a pain, and this month it is just atrocious. I guess all the casuals got tired of getting owned by premades so they stop joining and right now you get even MORE premades in the rotation. I dont know how many hours I spent already trying to win THREE kitten games in frees while going solo this month. My win ratio in 2013 in frees must be something like 5%. I dont know, change the 3 wins requirement to 30 games played requirement. I am sure that right now it is easier for soloers to play 30 games (you will go AFK half the time anyway after realizing that you are 4 pubs vs. 5 guys with same guild tag) than actually win 3. As it stands now, trying to win 3 frees is the most dreadful experience I get in GW2 and I even actually like PvP here (I liked frees till around November when more casuals played it, and I still like hot-join despite the zerg wars).

As already discussed in several threads on this forum, lack of solo queue for frees is a major pain in the kitten right now. At least for the time until it gets fixed somehow, free us from the urge to queue for this mess by removing the requirement from the monthly tab (yay for all the overachieveres!).

Please remove tournament wins from monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Antihero.5429


I solo que a lot of frees and usually get 3/5 first timers on my team about 60% of the time but even then 3 tourney wins in a month isn’t dreadful at all.

It only requires an average of 1 win every ~10 or so days which is nothing and really the reward for the monthly isn’t that good for anyone that isn’t looking to play paids.

Please remove tournament wins from monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awe.1096


I solo que a lot of frees and usually get 3/5 first timers on my team about 60% of the time but even then 3 tourney wins in a month isn’t dreadful at all.

It only requires an average of 1 win every ~10 or so days which is nothing and really the reward for the monthly isn’t that good for anyone that isn’t looking to play paids.

Yeah, you are right that getting 3 wins over 30 days is not hard. Its easy, even by stupid luck. But in such case this achievement, when considered for players who only queue solo, should be renamed to “Get stomped by coordinated teams for 15 hours in order to earn your 3 randoms wins.”. Not cool. As I said, it was better before, but I guess lots of casuals left PvP few months after release.

Please remove tournament wins from monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Free tourneys are in bad shape right now because the devs made some excellent changes to paids, and now everyone is doing paids instead. Hopefully they change frees soon as well.

Please remove tournament wins from monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: daydream.2938


Frees are in a really rough place.
I rarely solo Q for them, if i dont have 5, but 2 or 3 people thats when i do frees mostly.

Please remove tournament wins from monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razor.6392


Then add something else in place, but in the normal monthly achievs.

must lure people to spvp

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Please remove tournament wins from monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: mongolianmisfit.8350


I actually think they should add more elements to the monthly pvp achievement. You have a day to day grind fest to obtain the pve one, which is fine if you enjoy such a thing, but why is the pvp one so easy in comparison for those who decide to invest time into spvp? Lol doesn’t make sense to me. I would love a better reward than some salvage kits I could care less about.

Please remove tournament wins from monthly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Killyox.3950


I think it is very bland atm.

Why are there no requirements like:

Interrupt 20 enemies
Do X damage in a single hit.
Knockdown 20 enemies
Knockdown 3 enemies with one skill.
Launch enemy from capture point
Survive with less than 5% health
Remove/Convert 50 conditions from yourself
Combo with 15 players


These would actually encourage people do learn the game