Please, stop gating wealth within dungeons
Maybe a good solution would be to make better loot/reward for the random map events? So that might encourage people to do continent events for getting money/loot instead of for leveling XP only.
Are you saying this to ANET or to players?
ANET can´t do anything about that, people will ever be like this, think every money in the world will give them playerskill (generic mmo addicition). So they will ever look new ways to get money against everything ANET can do.
If you are talking to players, well, good luck with that. I can´t even change the way my guildmates think.
The real issue is the evil of vertical progression, with enough time they can balance out dungeons enough significantly to remove this negative aspect altogether. If they keep developing in a vertical direction, things will fly out of control, wealth-wise as well.
You are correct. I play by myself, and am basically shut out of high-stat gear as a result.
I could just save up money and buy it, but again the dungeons are the only way to make serious money. So, while I’m earning my few gold, inflation has robbed them of much of their value. It’s an endless cycle.
But, it’s worse than even that. If I decided to start looking for groups, well, too bad: Nobody wants a group for story mode. So, I can’t even get into the dungeon in order to start earning more money.
This isn’t directed to any player at all. This is squarely placed to Arenanet as the economy is fashioned solely by their hand. For no one can manipulated the market as they can.
Daddicus, I hear you! The inflation rate is far outstripping the casual PvE, WvW, or god forbid any new player. I’d add another element that’s causing the disparity but, it’s a forbidden subject on the boards ;-)
Same here… I’m pretty strictly a PvEer, mostly solo but sometimes with a couple friends. It’s not only loot, but XPs as well. I saw a level 65 character about 2-3 days after game launch. Took me MUCH longer. I still don’t manage more than a few levels a day at best, if I’m really working hard at it. And WAY less money. I actually use Waypoints less now than when I was a poor low-level character since they jack up the price as you progress, and the content gets further and further from civilization. Where’s my frequent-flyer points?
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Same here… I’m pretty strictly a PvEer
Dungeons are PvE.
It’s not only loot, but XPs as well.
I can definitely get experience faster doing open-world event chains than going through some dungeon paths (ex., Sorrow’s Embrace Path 2). And there are no gathering nodes inside dungeons (a pretty decent source of income – at least in higher-level zones – that requires minimal effort).
I saw a level 65 character about 2-3 days after game launch.
IIRC, there were level 80 characters less than 24 hours after launch (actually, two days before launch, since pre-purchasers got a 3-day headstart). With sufficient materials (or gold to buy them), characters can be levelled to 80 in minutes, through crafting.
Took me MUCH longer.
And how is that relevant, to the game or to you? Presumably you were enjoying the game, and I doubt you had done all the content (explored every area, done every heart and event, etc.) in the first 3 days, so how does the fact that someone else was level 65 and you weren’t detract from your enjoyment of the game? Would you have enjoyed the game more if everything else was equal but you were level 65 (instead of 20 or 30 or whatever)?
Or did I miss the point of what you were trying to say?
Now, I agree the game is currently suffering from significant gold inflation, mostly as a result of the misguided changes introduced in the Lost Shores patch (and poor design of the crafting system in general, often requiring hundreds of units of rare and expensive materials to craft a single item). And if I was a very cynical person I would say this is a deliberate move on Arena Net’s part, because they effectively sell gold through their closed “gem exchange” (despite having promised otherwise during the pre-order period).
But that’s unrelated to character level.
(edited by Account.9832)