Please, when will tooltips (especially healing) be fixed ?!?

Please, when will tooltips (especially healing) be fixed ?!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sydrek.5146


There’s already a interesting topic on the lack of healing power effectiveness.
So i wont go into it.
For those interested:

But let me give you two examples of how deceiving and plain wrong some tooltips are:

Banner of tactics (45s): …
Regen (4s): 20,093 Heal

(That is ofc with the trait that allows banners to grant regen, and with some healing power)

Not only does the banner last for longer then 45s, but the regen doesn’t heal for that amount during the 4s obviously.
Nor does it heal for that amount during the whole period of the banner being down.

Abilitie upon picking up said banner=
Compassionate Banner:
Healing: 4,026

Sadly it heals for about 760 tops.

So unless i’m reading it wrong, and i’m sure if that’ s the case someone will point that out quickly.
It should be easy to understand why some people inc myself are extremely unhappy to say the least, by the deceiving tooltips that gave the impression that using and ESPECIALLY investing in a support build would be worth it.

I personally wasted more then 13g on a few pieces of healing power, when clearly i shouldn’t had bothered to do so.
And i’m sure that the few others who also use a support build would not had done so either if tooltips were actually accurate and showed that X healing power only increased a certain type of heal abilitie to only heal for a minuscule amount more.

Please, fix it… tooltips and character sheets, and in general everything involving ingame stats of your character and abilities are extremely important.

Please, when will tooltips (especially healing) be fixed ?!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sydrek.5146


I’m surprised this got moved to the suggestion sub forum.
Is pointing out something quite important in a RPG that is simply wrong which you could almost call broken, and asking for it to be acknowledged and fixed a “suggestion” ?

I didn’t know that, what i do know is that it’s a good way to kill and bury a topic among a sub forum that nobody reads.