Pls add Dungeon Player Matching System
I really do wish they add this feature soon. Whilst I saw on the latest patch notes (24/9) that they haven’t thought about implementing this feature it would really help the game and community. It’s already a struggle getting a group of people together for the one dungeon, and again when you wanna run exploration mode.
I’d greatly support for this feature to be installed in a update soon.
There actually if a lfg feature similar to GW1 lfg thing, but it’s kind of hidden in the contacts tab. So use it and spread the word!
NO FREAKING NO. No, but seriously no.
It’s really not needed.
Yeah, this game needs a Dungeon matchmaking thingy, and I’m afraid to say that yes,yes it is seriously needed, yes.
LFG doesn’t allow you to specify what you are looking to do. I don’t know that we need a matching system, but a more robust too would go a long way towards making it easier for people to find each other.
I would spend more time in dungeons if I knew that half my time wasn’t going to spent looking for a group.
Please don’t. You gotta have a somewhat coordinated group to make it through those dungeons and I don’t think a Matchmaking system will provide those people. Also if they did implement such a system they’d have to dumb the dungeons down in order to make them puggable (silly word, I know). They did the same thing in Rift and it was a disaster. Don’t implement a matchmaking system, keep the dungeons how they are (well except for the bugs and pathing isuues, duh) and only nerf what really really really needs to be nerved.
i think this is very needed, because most ppl (included me) dont do dungeons for the simple reason they cannot waste half of their playtime looking for group, and when u finally find 1, they leave just before the last boss QQ.
the system can be done with requirement specs: for example a group of 4 ppl is looking for an ele or a guard etc.
moreover i suggest this (matchingsystem AND dungeon itself, when u find party) to be accessible from all over the world
A better option would be to find people you like playing with in your guild, RL, or just in chat that are actually good and reliable people. MMOs are meant to be social, get to know some people for more than just the duration of a dungeon.
a lfg system would be bad I lost 50s in ac today. Myself lv 80 and 3 lv 35 and one lv 75 these guys were bad players did not follow marks didnt listen to walkthroughs but appart from that they could not do much dps. So i for one will no longer group with anything but 80s from now on; im sure alot of people feel the same way.
Masters in Geek Mythology
We do need some kind of tool to help look for people with the same interests. I do not think we need a tool that automatically groups/ports everyone, but we do need some list we can access.
A list that shows groups forming up for a specific dungeon, or people looking for specific groups. Once we see that, we can contact and chat with the leader of the group (or the lone person) to see if they are what we need. In there, we can ask what we want (level, spec, gear, etc), to see if they will be a good fit.
We do need something though. No matter how you paint it, spamming /map “LFM AC story, need one more!!!” is NOT social, and does NOT make friends. If no one is interested in running, it is nothing more than unwanted spam, and wasted time.
A tool that is accessible from anywhere on the map that lists interested people/parties would be a good addition.
a lfg system would be bad I lost 50s in ac today. Myself lv 80 and 3 lv 35 and one lv 75 these guys were bad players did not follow marks didnt listen to walkthroughs but appart from that they could not do much dps. So i for one will no longer group with anything but 80s from now on; im sure alot of people feel the same way.
As I said in the original post this isn’t for hard core players or elitists, although it could be made to specify minimum level and number of times completed, to match similar level players.
AC is a freaking level 30 dungeon. A Hard one true, but if you have to be level 80 just to go into it, it is pointless allowing people to try at lvl 30.
My daughter would have been happy to go in at 30 and potentially get mauled just to see how it was. (not my play style but, hey she is tough and really good at games)
a lfg system would be bad I lost 50s in ac today. Myself lv 80 and 3 lv 35 and one lv 75 these guys were bad players did not follow marks didnt listen to walkthroughs but appart from that they could not do much dps. So i for one will no longer group with anything but 80s from now on; im sure alot of people feel the same way.
As I said in the original post this isn’t for hard core players or elitists, although it could be made to specify minimum level and number of times completed, to match similar level players.
AC is a freaking level 30 dungeon. A Hard one true, but if you have to be level 80 just to go into it, it is pointless allowing people to try at lvl 30.
My daughter would have been happy to go in at 30 and potentially get mauled just to see how it was. (not my play style but, hey she is tough and really good at games)
I intend on trying this when I reach level 30, but I am going to be asking for some Guild Members to help. She should really join a Guild, because that’s the whole point of the game. No match system will be able to predict how players are going to react when they go inside of the Dungeon. People are people, and a lot of people aren’t going to listen or try to strategize when going into a Dungeon. Instead, she should just join a Guild, introduce herself, and when she can talk in there, even if she’s roaming the map. That’s how it works. If she has time to play the game, she has to time to join a Guild – it only takes a few seconds.
And then, she doesn’t even need to make friends. Being in a Guild automatically gives you friends. Even the other members don’t know you, they will help you. She can just ask for help with a Dungeon, and guild members will help. Just a suggestion for her, personally.
a lfg system would be bad I lost 50s in ac today. Myself lv 80 and 3 lv 35 and one lv 75 these guys were bad players did not follow marks didnt listen to walkthroughs but appart from that they could not do much dps. So i for one will no longer group with anything but 80s from now on; im sure alot of people feel the same way.
As I said in the original post this isn’t for hard core players or elitists, although it could be made to specify minimum level and number of times completed, to match similar level players.
AC is a freaking level 30 dungeon. A Hard one true, but if you have to be level 80 just to go into it, it is pointless allowing people to try at lvl 30.
My daughter would have been happy to go in at 30 and potentially get mauled just to see how it was. (not my play style but, hey she is tough and really good at games)
I intend on trying this when I reach level 30, but I am going to be asking for some Guild Members to help. She should really join a Guild, because that’s the whole point of the game. No match system will be able to predict how players are going to react when they go inside of the Dungeon. People are people, and a lot of people aren’t going to listen or try to strategize when going into a Dungeon. Instead, she should just join a Guild, introduce herself, and when she can talk in there, even if she’s roaming the map. That’s how it works. If she has time to play the game, she has to time to join a Guild – it only takes a few seconds.
And then, she doesn’t even need to make friends. Being in a Guild automatically gives you friends. Even the other members don’t know you, they will help you. She can just ask for help with a Dungeon, and guild members will help. Just a suggestion for her, personally.
She is in a Guild but as I said she doesn’t have enough play time to get into a good one and many smaller Guilds don’t have enough players online at one time who want to do a dungeon.
The matching system is optional so why not allow those who want to be matched use one?
a lfg system would be bad I lost 50s in ac today. Myself lv 80 and 3 lv 35 and one lv 75 these guys were bad players did not follow marks didnt listen to walkthroughs but appart from that they could not do much dps. So i for one will no longer group with anything but 80s from now on; im sure alot of people feel the same way.
As I said in the original post this isn’t for hard core players or elitists, although it could be made to specify minimum level and number of times completed, to match similar level players.
AC is a freaking level 30 dungeon. A Hard one true, but if you have to be level 80 just to go into it, it is pointless allowing people to try at lvl 30.
My daughter would have been happy to go in at 30 and potentially get mauled just to see how it was. (not my play style but, hey she is tough and really good at games)
I intend on trying this when I reach level 30, but I am going to be asking for some Guild Members to help. She should really join a Guild, because that’s the whole point of the game. No match system will be able to predict how players are going to react when they go inside of the Dungeon. People are people, and a lot of people aren’t going to listen or try to strategize when going into a Dungeon. Instead, she should just join a Guild, introduce herself, and when she can talk in there, even if she’s roaming the map. That’s how it works. If she has time to play the game, she has to time to join a Guild – it only takes a few seconds.
And then, she doesn’t even need to make friends. Being in a Guild automatically gives you friends. Even the other members don’t know you, they will help you. She can just ask for help with a Dungeon, and guild members will help. Just a suggestion for her, personally.
Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh.. about that. I’ve done multiple games where there were guilds and I was never “friends” with more than two peeps in them at a time. So that’s a flawed concept by design. Also for people who aren’t interested in playing the game that way this is forced punishment for not following a philosophy that really shouldn’t be forced on someone who payed for this product. (it makes them not want to buy products produced by this company again and tell others to do the same)
Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh.. about that. I’ve done multiple games where there were guilds and I was never “friends” with more than two peeps in them at a time. So that’s a flawed concept by design. Also for people who aren’t interested in playing the game that way this is forced punishment for not following a philosophy that really shouldn’t be forced on someone who payed for this product. (it makes them not want to buy products produced by this company again and tell others to do the same)For a “likes to play on my own and not be part of an organization” player like myself, or a “I really only have 2 hours to play a day” player this would be a great feature to have. My suggestions regarding this:
1) Make it a feature that either works in the map you are currently in, or (for super amazing) across your world so that even if you are farming in Orr to pass time you can look for a Group to do Ascalon.
2) Don’t restrict it to just dungeons. Have separate tabs for farming groups, exploration, events and other such things.
3) If you want to be super SUPER amazing. Make a random group generator that will gather a group that will pair people up based on level and activity sought to do (this can easily be restrictive for dungeons to require that persons be the minimal level to participate, and have completed to story aspect to prompt for exploration).
And as every class is more or less on the same level of offensive and healing capabilities, all this will allow is quick combinations of similarly interested persons for activities that will require skill on the players part (the true heart of Guild Wars game play).
-Think Random Arenas but with more flexible objectives
4)This is more in regards to my proposed random group assigner, but can also be applied for a regular group formation feature.
-Restricting how often players are allowed to use this feature in a set amount of time, per activity (for instance 3 times for any explorable dungeon will conform to the current set standards of maximum rewards given for completing each route taken). This will help curb abuse and promote groups that find they work well together to continue working together either by joining each others guilds, or simply friending each other.
Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh.. about that. I’ve done multiple games where there were guilds and I was never “friends” with more than two peeps in them at a time. So that’s a flawed concept by design. Also for people who aren’t interested in playing the game that way this is forced punishment for not following a philosophy that really shouldn’t be forced on someone who payed for this product. (it makes them not want to buy products produced by this company again and tell others to do the same)For a “likes to play on my own and not be part of an organization” player like myself, or a “I really only have 2 hours to play a day” player this would be a great feature to have. My suggestions regarding this:
1) Make it a feature that either works in the map you are currently in, or (for super amazing) across your world so that even if you are farming in Orr to pass time you can look for a Group to do Ascalon.
2) Don’t restrict it to just dungeons. Have separate tabs for farming groups, exploration, events and other such things.
3) If you want to be super SUPER amazing. Make a random group generator that will gather a group that will pair people up based on level and activity sought to do (this can easily be restrictive for dungeons to require that persons be the minimal level to participate, and have completed to story aspect to prompt for exploration).
And as every class is more or less on the same level of offensive and healing capabilities, all this will allow is quick combinations of similarly interested persons for activities that will require skill on the players part (the true heart of Guild Wars game play).
-Think Random Arenas but with more flexible objectives
4)This is more in regards to my proposed random group assigner, but can also be applied for a regular group formation feature.
-Restricting how often players are allowed to use this feature in a set amount of time, per activity (for instance 3 times for any explorable dungeon will conform to the current set standards of maximum rewards given for completing each route taken). This will help curb abuse and promote groups that find they work well together to continue working together either by joining each others guilds, or simply friending each other.This will not always produce good groups, often you will get bad groups (but they are always quick to see), however sometime this produces AMAZING groups the likes of which are hard to find. This also encourages more people who play casually to play more often, and in all likelyhood makes them more receptive to actually buying expansions.
Ok, so I am a bit confused here, I am seeing quite a few people against a matchmaking system…However, how is a matchmaking system any different than yelling in chat for
random people (that you also don’t know btw)? Honestly, I don’t know if the random person I am inviting knows how to play or not…The only difference,in my head anyhow, is that one could just queue up and continue to play until they are in, instead of having to sit in a city or in front of a dungeon yelling for more members,etc which is not fun imho.
I don’t have any problem with the Matchmaking system. It’s not something I would personally use, but I don’t care if other people do. I was just offering a suggestion in case that was an option for her. Either way, I play less than an hour a day and I still manage to join a guild. I’m also a bit of a “solo” type player, but when I need to group with other people I suck it up and do it. At the very least, if I’m with Guild members who I see talking in the chat sometimes I’m somewhat more comfortable with the group.
Ok, so I am a bit confused here, I am seeing quite a few people against a matchmaking system…However, how is a matchmaking system any different than yelling in chat for
random people (that you also don’t know btw)? Honestly, I don’t know if the random person I am inviting knows how to play or not…The only difference,in my head anyhow, is that one could just queue up and continue to play until they are in, instead of having to sit in a city or in front of a dungeon yelling for more members,etc which is not fun imho.
I have a feeling that the people against this are the elitists/hardcore players.
But the thing is this will be OPTIONAL, so why not allow it.
It is somewhat like the sPvP matching where you can go in with 5v5 that you choose or simply join in a random 8v8 if you don’t have a group.