Pls give us Rox's Quiver back!
You can put the skin on non binded scrap which you can get with Quaggan/Tiger something backpack from TP. But it must have the description that it has white scrap included so you can put the skin on it. Then the skin becomes account bound and you can transfer it to your thief. Back in a day I did this with soulbounded Mad King Memoires.
I done this to get my Ranger with the Thief hood…. and it doesn’t break the game in any way.
Thanks for tip. Guess this would mean loosing the original ascended back item from my ranger tho. Not that it would matter much, since I couldn’t really play her either without the Rox’s Quiver skins
Any idea how the Transmutation Splitter from Gem Store would work here? Would this recover both the quiver skin and the original ascended back item?
If you only transmuted the item once, it should give back the skin. Then do as I said above and everyone is happy :P.