Pls reduce Mini pet follow distance

Pls reduce Mini pet follow distance

in Suggestions

Posted by: judeobscure.2537


Since we’re running so much and so far in this game I just dont get to spend that much time with my pet. If im fighting I can see him but Im really busy. And If I stop to chop some wood or mine some ore he’ll catch up right as Im off running again. Even with my camera zoomed all the way out I don’t see him on my screen, just the green dot on my mini map.

Is there any way you can tighten up their follow distance like Ranger pets and Necro minions so we can see our mini all the time?

Being able to name them and not having to respawn them all the time (asuran gates, going from map-to-map, logging on/off) would also be nice (and yes I have my mini in an invisible bag).

Thank you.

its hard to remember we’re alive for the first time
its hard to remember we’re alive for the last time

Pls reduce Mini pet follow distance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


If minipets are lagging behind, Its not the follow distance thats the problem, its the movement speed. Should be fixed either way, though.