Population notifier for each zone on map.

Population notifier for each zone on map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


How about having some type of way a player could see the population in each zone. I think this would help out with champion farming and group events.

Population notifier for each zone on map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


Like a /who type command that would list who’s in the zone kinda?

Population notifier for each zone on map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fatfox.4915


Would be quite interesting to see where everyone is at one point in time, so you could see the population density, but there’s lots of issues with that- privacy etc.
Maybe on the map there should be a symbol that has a different colour for low, medium and high population on a map, possibly linked to event scaling as to how it could pick player numbers up. These could be scattered so there’s around 5 in an area.

Population notifier for each zone on map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


Like a /who type command that would list who’s in the zone kinda?

I’m thinking more of an indicator on the side of the map screen that shows the population of the zone you’re in like how the population is showed with different servers.

Population notifier for each zone on map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Thats a great idea.
There should simply show up somwhere in the screen for a few seconds after entering a map a numbe, that shows, how many people are currently with you on the same map, that could appear, while you are at the near of entrances of maps and once you move on out of a specific range, the number on screen just disappears and appears again, once you get into the range of an map entrance…

Somethign like that, or a chat command like /players and gettign then shown in the chat the amount of player that is on the same map as you.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Population notifier for each zone on map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SadWolf.7654


Yes, would be a simple but a very useful addition indeed.

Population notifier for each zone on map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: drguild.2045


They were going to bring out their tablet app that shows what is happening in the zone on the map in real time and where players were and what events people were at.

Also let you chat on it and view it anywhere even if you’re not near a pc like on a train etc.

But with all the stuff happening at launch with the hacked accounts and black lion etc they kinda shelved the project.

This suggestion would work also but I do hope one day for that tablet app to be made.