Potential solution to waypoint conundrum
I wasn’t aware we had a “waypoint conundrum”…
Do you even lift, bro?
There isn’t a solution to a problem here because there is no problem. Waypoints are part of the game and they work just fine. They’re not expensive at all, I don’t get why people can’t pay 4 copper – 4 silver to go somewhere.
We are sworn together by our blood…
Thanks for the feedback. I, for one, don’t mind paying for waypoints either. This is not about whether or not paying for waypoints is a good idea or not, it is about whether the current rate structure gives an incentive to explore in an optimal way.
In other words, which do you prefer: paying less to waypoint short distances and more to move long distances or vice versa?
The argument is that paying more for short distances encourages foot traffic within a particular zone and paying less for long distances makes people more comfortable switching between zones or moving from their current zone to a dungeon or things like this.
I get that waypoint costs are trivial for some people. However, we are talking about marginal incentives here. That is, all else being equal, which rate structure would encourage players to explore more without penalizing those who really want to fast travel too much?
There is already very good incentive to foot-travel across an entire map – map completion, to get very worthwhile rewards. I don’t see a problem here. I already travel nearly an entire map, and have my screenshot folder already bursting with pictures of cool things I stumble upon (much less vistas). I can see an argument made that higher level players are less inclined to travel to distant locations due to coin, but just like everything else in life, you pay for convenience. You can either warp directly, or do HotM/LA to cheapen the expenditures at the cost of a few loading screens.
I don’t really see an issue here, personally.
Get of Fenris (GoF)
I guess I should clarify that I mean long-run exploration and/or non-achievement related exploration.