

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreadLordMikey.5479


For the last two days there’s been a number of high-level turrets set up in Diah’s Farm in Shiamoor, on top of a hay bale. The moment a spawn enters its range, it one-shots the mob, so that the players in that area get no XP or loot for the mob.

What I finally observed, however, is a guild come in, tear down the old turret, plant a new one, and plant a Guild XP Banner next to it. Then they left the area.

So what’s happened is that guilds are planting the turret and an XP banner next to it, then leaving the area to let the turret accumulate XP for them while no one from the guild is anywhere near it.

It’s ingenious, actually. But it’s creating all sorts of problems in the lowbie area, where folks are trying to complete the quests like stomping the worm mounds, defeating the giant worms, and protecting the hay bales from the bandits.

I don’t know what the appropriate solution to this particular problem is. But something should be done about it. For example, if a guildie isn’t within so many feet of the turret after so many minutes, it automatically despawns. The turret I saw appeared to have been sitting there for two days, based on conversations I had with folks in the game.

I’m open to suggestions, and am adamantly opposed to squelching fun or implementing systems that would be excessively harsh, but what’s going on here is nothing short of botting.



in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I am an engineer and I have to say, that making turrets degen when out of range for more than 60 seconds (make the range decently far away, but not half a map) is a really good idea. In some instances it might even help me as an engineer.

I had a particular problem once where I was fighting mobs on a ledge (champ) and I got kicked off the ledge. I didn’t die, but my turrets were up there. As long as my turret was fighting I was in combat mode. That meant no waypoints or anything. But at the same time, I was scared to destroy it, for fear of causing the other 2 people up there, to possibly die. So I had to run (it was all the way around the mountains, through a cave, and up) back to the ledge. And I had to do it in slow mode, since I was in combat.

In some cases, like deployable turrets and the supply pack, you don’t necessarily have the option to destroy turrets, and the despawn would help with that too.

Anyway, I got off topic. Even though I’m an engineer, I agree with the whole despawn when out of range for so long idea.

I have even done the turret bit, though I stay in the area. I’ll usually plant a turret on one side of an event, then go to the other and kill there. I get credit for a lot more kills that way, therefore receiving more loot.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Khorax.6032


I’d see this as an exploit and report it accordingly, since that is, essentially, what it is.