Preview Items from Trading Post
totally agree. there should really be a preview for items in the trading post.
Apparently nobody else likes to preview items.
I will put my vote down to implement this
cant you just right click the item on the TP and select “preview”?
I do agree that this should be added. Same with items from the Guild Vendors, i want to know what these things look like before dishing out several gold for them (and without using a Wiki!)
To answer @Crica.1503
No you can’t. Strangely enough this common game feature was left out of the Trading Post, and “consumable” gear (like Guild Vendor items). So you can’t simply preview it, for whatever reason (balance, bugs, impossibility etc.)
They have said somewhere that they plan to add this, no idea how long it will take though I would really love to know what things look like before I shell out gold for them though..
No idea why it would take any substantial amount of time to implement. If it works with standard vendors, I don’t see why it couldn’t work on TP? I don’t really know how it all works of course, but to me it would seem to be relatively simple to implement?
I would like to preview gear/weps and dye in the Trading post. Also i would like to be able to sort armor into Light/Med/Heavy instead of having to mouse over each item OR only show me usuable items option/check box
This angered me so much. I was forced to go to a Data ripped site to view what items actually looked like…
Look at item.. minimize, search… go back in game, look at item.. minimize.. search…
Dye preview on tp is also badly needed, what with the ridiculous costs on rare dyes.