Preview Known Dyes

Preview Known Dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


When choosing a new armor piece or skin, you can preview it and then preview dyes to see how it will look in different colors. However, the source of dye preview is either from a dye in inventory or one off the TP.

It would be nice if the unlocked dyes in the hero panel had a preview option that went to the preview window rather than the hero panel image. Thus you could quickly see how your already known dyes would look on the new armor without having to find them from over 400 on the TP.

Preview Known Dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Demifis Deathstrider.6451

Demifis Deathstrider.6451

I have to agree with you on this. It is a good idea, one that has crossed my mind and I’m sure others as well. Would be nice to preview how something would look before making the change, else go through the minor annoyance of changing back to your original setup.