Preview Stats.

Preview Stats.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devils.3679


I think it would be good if the game had a preview build option. Where we can put together our armor sets/rings etc and see the outcome of out total stats. Including traits. Yes i know we have websites but the ones i seen around are not great. they are also theoretical on what is actual going to show up in game.

now i know some people will say no the website are great and all but, no they are not.
All props to the people who put them together. I know its hard work.

Preview Stats.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kerigolas.8263


I totally agree

Preview Stats.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Viralseed.9362


I too would like to see some kind of Asuran Holographic Combat Chamber specifically for testing our PvE and WvW builds before investing the time and gold to craft/purchase the necessary equipment. I would love to have the option to switch my build around. I’m in the process of experimenting with some builds on my Guardian, but I won’t be able to test the effectiveness of said build until I obtain a full suit of armor. With the current economy, a full set of armor (weapons, runes, sigils, etc.) will cost around 35g to as much as 90g+, and that’s not factoring any sets that come from karma or dungeon vendors which require a large time investment in the game. Nothing upsets players like spending a full month farming for the currency or ingredients to craft a set of armor that does not support their builds.

Preview Stats.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


The very best option is to do that in the mists, although the trinkets are a problem there so it isn’t exact for PvE, but it is easier to deal with than the websites and you can play with all of the weapons, test damage, etc.
Sorrows Furnace

Preview Stats.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Viralseed.9362


The very best option is to do that in the mists, although the trinkets are a problem there so it isn’t exact for PvE, but it is easier to deal with than the websites and you can play with all of the weapons, test damage, etc.

I’m well aware of this. The problem here lies in the trinkets. PvP Trinkets are not available in all PvE stat variants. More importantly, the amount of stats you get from these Trinkets are far lower than what a full exotic PvE player has. There’s no real testing of the builds. A player may be attempting to get a 50% critical hit rate as a base. In PvP, this is usually soaked up the Trinket leaving little room for additional stats. In PvE, only a few pieces may be required. Players can then invest more in Toughness and Vitality for some survivability.

In addition, there are no controlled situations. There aren’t mobs throwing punches at a regular rate to test the survivability of your character. In Heart of the Mists, we can go up against a variety of enemies that have no attack pattern. The NPCs are to feel similar to other players (with exceptions) and not a way of determining your survivability. What if a player needs to test condition removal? There could easily be an enemy activating a number of conditions in the area. There’s more potential in a testing chamber than PvP.

However, this thread is primarily about previewing stats. I still see no problem introducing a way to preview stats, but there’s little difference in previewing the changes in some numbers in PvE than from the same effect in PvP. I feel we would need another zone entirely to test the builds instead of just the stats.

Preview Stats.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devils.3679


Not to mention testing with foods oils etc, i want to see what pvt armor with ruby orbs and zerker rings etc plus zerker weapons and oils and saffron ice cream gives me. i will prob do ahead and just do this but it would be nice to not have to risk it. Like my healing power set ended up just a salvage.