Probably Suggested Before, but... Wardrobes
I’d love to see a change on how we have to deal with changing looks. Currently it’s either lose the looks, or lose the stats and I feel like it’s a terrible system. Wearing 100g worth of cultural armor and wanting to change looks into something new that eventually comes along, I’d love to have a way to store the previous looks somehow so I wouldn’t just lose it all together.
How about having an npc in home instance who gives away sets of armor you have collected? Say, you buy a full set of T2 cultural armor and at that point you could revisit that npc to get it again and again if you feel like wearing something else in between. It would still generate profit as transmutation stones would still be needed for changing looks but at least I wouldn’t have to worry about completely losing all the unique gear I will eventually acquire.
Could be used for those backpack skins we seem to be getting from living story. At the moment I don’t feel like I could use those skins since something better might come along and then I’d lose the previous skin forever…
Something definately needs to change and it’d be nice to be able to collect a wardrope of sorts like in spvp.