Problem with Ranger Pets

Problem with Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auron.2657


I love the ranger, but sometimes pets are annoying. So I ‘stow’ them. Only to find out they automatically re-appear the moment I’m in combat again. Please make it so they STAY stowed because it’s so annoying. I see no problem with this, make it happen ArenaNet, you done it for GW1 this is no different.

Best Thief EU.
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(edited by Auron.2657)

Problem with Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


Ranger damage is balanced around having a pet out and about, so you’re only crippling yourself by trying to leave it stowed.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Problem with Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auron.2657


Ranger damage is balanced around having a pet out and about, so you’re only crippling yourself by trying to leave it stowed.

The pet’s are no where near 50% damage, I don’t spec in them so it’s like 10-15% pet dmg, and there only good for situational buffs.

Best Thief EU.
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Problem with Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: myxaplix.9531


Hey I would be happy if they would just fix pet pathing and have the pet stay close. Having the pet running 10-20 steps ahead and causing agro when I stop is real annoying.

Problem with Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


Ranger damage is balanced around having a pet out and about, so you’re only crippling yourself by trying to leave it stowed.

The pet’s are no where near 50% damage, I don’t spec in them so it’s like 10-15% pet dmg, and there only good for situational buffs.

15-20% is probably closer, and that’s a huge chunk of damage. Even 10% is not damage that you want to lose.

You’re crippling yourself by not having a pet out, between the buffs, the conditions and debuffs they put on the enemy, and the tanking they do for you.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Problem with Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auron.2657


Well I can see you disagree so just don’t stow your pet, it’s simple. Everyone done it in GW1, some used some didn’t, it was a matter of choice, this game so far has great choice class for class, I just recommend ArenaNet to allow the pet stay Stowed, then give buffs in certain masteries to make up for the 10% of lost damage, it’s not hard

Best Thief EU.
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Problem with Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Okamifujutsu.1458


I believe they don’t include that option because there is no downside to having your pet out. It was an option in GW1 because a pet could be a liability, since it dying disabled your skills. Now it’s simply a free tank and some extra damage. What’s wrong with having it run out and die?