Profession Identity Crisis

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


GW2 has done very well in making each character more unique from the next. With traits, attributes, etc. But I do believe one element of identity is missing from the game that makes any MMORPG interesting. Implement utility skills, heal skills, and/or elite skills that aren’t gained normally but by earning them through a series of quests.

For example, I believe the racial skills were just given away too easily….these should’ve been earned. It would’ve been better if a Norn needed to find a certain NPC in order to learn a certain shapeshifting elite. Have the Norn find the NPC, doing a series of missions/quests…then in the end the skill becomes “unlocked” or “added” to the available skill list. This would make characters stand out in awe. So when people see you transform into a werewolf, it’s not just “well….any Norn can do that”. It makes it less fulfilling.

Now, this could’ve been implemented with any of the racial skills. But, now it’s too late and the only thing that could be done is to add new skills that could be achieved this way. Here are some examples for each class…
- An elementalist turns into a whirling firestorm, or transform into a water golem.
- An engineer drops a bunker or an electric fence.
- A mesmer summons a colossus clone of himself or illusionary trap pit.
- A ranger summons a swarm of animals.
- A guardian summons an angel that acts as a Elite spiritual weapon.
- A necromancer gets access to more minion options or obtainable minion skins.
- I can’t think of anything for a warrior or thief at the moment…but you get the idea..

Maybe it’s just me, but GW2 is missing this individuality. Skills that are earned not simply by using skill points. Maybe some of the NPC’s are at the end of certain jumping puzzles and must have a key to unlock a passage etc…..make things a challenge to get!!!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


It would be nice to get some feedback

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wizzlock.3492


Maybe I’m not the feedback You want, but I love some of those ideas.

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i’m not sure about skills, but maybe some equippable passive bonus, or even better ( so we don’t create imbalance between people with passive bonuses and people without) just skins for the same skill we already have…

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Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I"m just a fan of adding new skills….not ones that are MORE powerful, but ones that add spice to the game. Reward those who want to keep achieving with new, cool skills to show off. There won’t be any imbalance if it’s implemented correctly

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rogees.3290


this was why guild wars 1 was great…you could have many people using the same class but they could all have completely different skill set ups, not just like the healing, 3 utility skills, elite and traits that can be different in Gw2, but the main attack skills could be of many random assortments of your choosing, and if i remember correctly you had to earn most of them aswell

Rogees OF Sco
The Inner Core [CORE]

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


this was why guild wars 1 was great…you could have many people using the same class but they could all have completely different skill set ups, not just like the healing, 3 utility skills, elite and traits that can be different in Gw2, but the main attack skills could be of many random assortments of your choosing, and if i remember correctly you had to earn most of them aswell

Yeah, I did love that about GW1. Had so many skills!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace