Profession based Armor

Profession based Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


I like the armor designs that I’ve seen so far in GW2. They are not too “flashy” for my taste, but that is a matter of personal opinion.

- In general I’d just like some more armor sets to be added. The reward system coughs up more weapons and armor than before (through killing monsters, at least) and many times I feel like that most armor sets have been seen and that we need some more.
- It is a matter of letting the player feel like his or her character is sticking out of the crowd. The ability to dye your armor is a nice feature and helps to this, but I think more armor sets would do well.

- While I thought about this idea of new armor sets (and mind you, it is a pretty simple one) I also thought that maybe seeing some Profession based armor and weapons would be nice.
- The Guardian have a nice shoulder and helmet piece that they can choose to wield in the character making progress, and something like that to be added would be nice.

- As for the weapons, I couldn’t help but notice that Braham’s mace and shield lighted up when he drew them and headed off into combat. I thought it was a nice touch, and I wouldn’t mind it being implemented to us players as well.
- I do realize that there is a lot of work and designing that needs to be done to accomplish this, but when ANet has tweaked the core gameplay to the extent that they are happy with it (this has actually been most of what we’ve seen in some Living Story and patches that have shown themselves over the past few months) maybe then, they could create some weapon and armor skin that gives the player a touch of looking like a Guardian and sticking out from the rest.

- Maybe they could design it so that to get these weapons and armor you’d need some badges that can be achieved through dungeon or PvP, so that there is a variety of ways to get them, and so that players aren’t grinding one particular dungeon to get one particular set of dungeon gear (I have read a few threads that are complaining about this, and how it feels too grindy in the sense of doing the same dungeon over and over and over. I know that the dungeon gear is easier to get than in other MMO’s but still, it’s an idea to accommodate those who feel that way. I haven’t really been doing that many dungeons and grinding for gear yet, so I can’t say. Do feel free to give me some feedback on it though. )

Anyhow, I hope you guys will agree with me on this, and your feedback is welcome, be they pros or cons – but try to explain why you think it would work or not so that ANet has some feedback to consider if they should read this post.

- I’ll see you guys in game.

Profession based Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: iLexx.3097


Completely agree. Seeing the same armor/weapon models being repeated from lvl 1 to lvl 29, from 30 to 69 then from 70+ gets old REALLY quick. I hope this is looked into and implemented.

Profession based Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meryt.9823


WTB a cowboy outfit,(but NCSoft is not for sale).

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.