Profession swap?

Profession swap?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rastaman.9015


Here is the idea. Basically I want to be able to switch professions (not race) but keep my current level. So if I am a level 80 Guardian but I wan’t to play Thief without leveling, I can.

Key Points: I do understand that leveling is this game is rather easy, but after a few times, doing the same hearts over and over, and doing the event cycles a couple times each character the game gets boring. It feels more like a grind the seventh time through than the first.

Also it should NOT by any means be free. I have not done the math but it should cost the amount of gold it would take to craft 1-80 (assuming there were 8 craftings), but converted into gems (maybe even more). This will prevent people from mass switching. Also you would make TONS of money seeing that alot of people get tired of there profession.

This feature is more for the people that have been playing since launch seeing that the game does get boring. Especially since there is only one 35-45 area.

More over on the boring part. One way to keep interest in gw2 is to play a new profession. What better way is there than for us to be already level 80, and you make money out of it?

Pros: People stay interested in the game longer.
Money for A-net.

Cons: Lower level zones will be empty.
New players will have to “fend for themselves”.

The class master. I enjoy all of the professions.

Profession swap?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morten Sorensen.6954

Morten Sorensen.6954

this would be a advantage for the players who gets their classed nerfed, they could all switch to warrior or thief, the least likely professions to be nerfed.

Profession swap?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Would be nice to see as a gem store item in the future (of significant value), because it is a bit of a grind once you get to level up your nth character.

Of course all gear, skillpoints and traits will be unequipped (and I say the trait trees should also be locked so you have to purchase the manuals), so you’ll have to buy new gear and so on.

And yes I imagine anything like this can be abused by “flavour of the month” players, although if the cost were high enough (in gold and items) then it might put some players of that disposition off doing it.

What the benefit would be is saving time for casual players who feel like trying a different class, without having to go through the levelling process.

Profession swap?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elusive.9481


Umm, No.

If you want a level 80 in a certain class, earn it. The class you’re swapping to may not have been so easy to level. You certainly don’t get the full scope of the class if you haven’t “been in the trenches” and tried to level in zones WITHOUT all of the available utility skills and exotic scaledown.

If you want to try out a class at 80, go to the heart of the mists.

As for the PvE world, you certainly don’t have do it all – or even the majority of it – to achieve 80. Try out a different path with the new character. If you’re bored with the game, try a different race; that changes quite a bit of things.

Lastly, what do you plan to do with all your soulbound gear that your new profession can’t use? Do you expect it to be refunded to you or converted somehow? That’s just lazy.

If you can’t be bothered to level a character and are bored with the world, changing a level 80’s profession is not to cure your boredom, it will only compound it.

Profession swap?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


this would be a advantage for the players who gets their classed nerfed, they could all switch to warrior or thief, the least likely professions to be nerfed.
Thieves have been nerfed every update besides december and february (and january imo).

I rly don’t get where ppl get the idea that thieves never get nerfed? Do you guys even read the entire update list except your own profession?

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