Proper guild roster UI

Proper guild roster UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: IKShadow.4582


I must say that current G guild roster is really lacking of important things like:

- Ability to kick offline members ( insane it seems its impossible to kick offline members )
- Seeing member last login time ( so those who quit game without informing the guild could be removed )
- A simple checkbox show online only so you can sort them after by name, profession etc..

Please let one of the UI desinger check any MMO out there and implemnet basic roster at least.

p.s. Having complete history and custom guild ranks is great. Mature Gaming Guild part of Seafarer’s Rest Community Site

Proper guild roster UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Halvaard.1034


It’s baffling when games come out these days and are missing key community control components…

Proper guild roster UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: IKShadow.4582


It’s baffling when games come out these days and are missing key community control components…

Yea I dont mind bugs its normal, but I must say some of the basic features are missing in GW 2.

I really hope they can step up and start fixing such minor things like UI. Mature Gaming Guild part of Seafarer’s Rest Community Site

Proper guild roster UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nohaxx.5139


Lol Halvaard. I know what you mean.

Proper guild roster UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Halvaard.1034


I mean my guild is made up of friends only, but if we ever got seriously into GW2, I would want decent management tools to keep the guild running smoothly.

Last Login, Alts List, Influence Earned, and maybe some sort of editable field for notes or DKP or something. And the ability to export this info to a textfile.