Public Testing

Public Testing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Indoles.1467


Something this game obviously needs, is as the title states, public testing. I don’t want to delve too deep into the subject as explaining why this game needs public testing will take a considerable amount of time and I feel that most of the players already know why we need public testing first hand. At least from my experience, it seems the testers are overloaded. By splitting the workload amongst the public, they can focus on other areas (such as one time events that Anet doesn’t want spoiled) while the normal player base works on smaller issues like chests that can be opened at every event completion (think Halloween) and reveal that flaw before it goes live.

How can it be handled? Simply put, I would copy some features from other mmo developers. Allow characters can be transferred (copied) to the PT server that are isolated from the normal game. These characters can then level up and do (new or old) content normally and have an easy way to report issues. What’s the incentive for the player? Well, there isn’t one. It’s just knowing that you are helping to make an already great game even better. Or we could talk Anet into giving our main account a free shirt that represents we have been public testers.

Public Testing

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrsAngelD.6971


Public testing would be nice, and it would really help get content out there to live which isn’t bugged.

Public Testing

in Suggestions

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


I agree. This game needs public testing.

Public Testing

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I think the game needs public testing, but I know that opening it up to the public for testing won’t get it any public testing. I remember the WoW Cata Beta days and most of the “testers” were just there to play the new content, in fact some even complained about how broken the content was…

Public Testing

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Please PLEASE put in PTR. Many of the class bugs that have been there since BWE3 would be fixed, event issues would be caught before the event is launched, pve would be balanced more easily.

Right now we have a forum system, a bug report system, and that’s it and with that last patch I wonder if they are listening to us.

What makes me say that? We were told targeting would get fixed in this patch. FT/EG still have the same cone targeting issues since BWE3. Kinda makes me wonder sometimes.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!