Public surveys for new content

Public surveys for new content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linu.8920


How about A-net could ask players to check what decisions are what players want for future content? They did some for Diablo 3 and i thought that was a good idea.

I can say one “Would you like 20 more levels to reach or a more horizontal progression?”

Public surveys for new content

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


The only problem with that is how will ANet illicit these responses? After all few will argue that these forums represent a majority of the playerbase. ANet says that they’re checking our chat logs (creepy) and they have people going through these forums and some other GW-related forums but still even then I’m not sure how good the data is (or is that are?) they’re getting.

I’ve previously suggested they introduce some sort of in-game, completely optional, polling system to get more direct feedback from a potentially larger portion of the playerbase. Player logs in, sees a flakittenhing in the corner clicks on it, can choice any one of 3-4 options (or none at all), makes a selection and keeps on playing.