Pushing Gw2's Roles

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


Right know nearly all the community has no clue what Control, Support, and Damage means. I’m not saying that it doesn’t work in game decease for the most part it does. If you build a character with these in mind you’ll do well but when your the only one in your group who even knows these exist, well death is imminent. I think that Anet should do more to make the community aware of the Control, Support, and Damage role system.

Not to say their are not some game mechanics that could use a fix to support this.
- Fixing enemy aggro a little better so melee control characters can hold enemies like their supposed to.
- Lower health and cc resistance of mobs in dungeons while increasing their numbers so the group has to spread out more and control effects work on more of them. This doesn’t need to be done with every encounter but some really need it.
-Create a “damage cap” on weaker monsters so it is inefficient for entire parties to gang up on single opponents making melee combatants unable to see and thus defend against enemy power attacks and other abilities. another feature might be welcome as I can see how a Damage Cap could be an issue.

I have made a post on the Players helping Players forum about this around launch. Its called Roles in GW2.

(edited by Dragonhero.1852)

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Judges.4527


Brilliant. I love the premise and I love the first two suggestions. But a damage cap would be awful.
I thought the same thing about the number of mobs in dungeons. It seems to be 3 or 4 VERY strong enemies as opposed to waves of not so strong enemies. Personally I don’t think it’s very fun to sit and group attack a single mob for 3 or 4 minutes. There’s no fun factor there.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


Glad you liked it!

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I think one problem is actually the PvE world… Everything is a zerg fest, a no-brainer, no challenge with many players, there is no way it prepares you for any dungeon whatsoever!

And you are right with some bosses… Most of them are immune against any kind of CC, so there is no way to handle or control them, you can just try to dodge, block or reduce damage if you are in range of him, and that seems not to work quite well within that long fights and the cooldowns! But I don’t want eliminate the chance that this is still a learning-curve we are all in, so I’m not quite sure…

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


That sounds good on paper but Arena Net is going for the Anyone with any spec can run any dungeon, you start putting names on player roles, (Damage/Tank/Healer ) or (Support/Control/Damage) certain classes get pigeon holed into those roles then people only invite those roles that excel at either control or support or the top DD dealers, at that point it snow balls into well buff my class cause Class A gets invited over me cause he has better contorl / Support abilities.

Arena net is trying to get as far away from that as possible. The dungoens are run now is PERFECT, they are hard but not easy and not to difficult.

Keep it the way it is, its a good idea but I dont believe this game needs this.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


I’m not saying pushing players to fulfill certain roles just make sure people know what their doing is all.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


While intentions may be good you have to be careful specially in the MMO industry cause, I know its cliche but “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”

Just sayin, game is working fine atm no reason to change or add anything of this nature.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I agree with apostle, the reason it is the way it is atm is so no class is overlooked when forming parties. Each has their own way of healing, cc, and dmg etc etc. Your a party but you gata maintain yourself pretty well unlike some games where you just send the tank and warrior in to swing like idiots while the healer spams his healing spell to win fights. Making cc immune bosses is perfect to keep ppl on their toes and sitting up straight.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


I was not talking about taking the CC off bosses I was talking about taking it off trash mobs.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


This discussion keeps popping up in a variety of different ways.

The issue as I see it, as someone above said, is that the game is designed in a way that you can run through and explore the world without much thought towards your spec, and you can still be successful.

But now that a month has passed, people are hitting level cap and exploring high end areas/dungeons, and they are discovering that the mindless run and gun mentality isn’t working.

Everyone has been trained to play this game that way.

Personally it has frustrated me. Running into the mansion dungeon and seeing everyone mindlessly run around with their heads cut off, pulling aggro from multiple rooms, and ending up getting destroyed, and then wondering “why?”

Everyone has developed this solo survival perception. They think they have to rely on themselves to heal, themselves to damage, themselves to moderate agro and crowd control, and they are finding it doesn’t work the way it did while exploring the outside world.

They then seem to blame the game for not having these roles in the game. And that’s where I stop and become baffled, because they DO have these roles in the game, people just aren’t doing them, and they blame the game for their own short comings.

Yes, a certain class can technically perform ALL roles. But ONE individual should (in my opinion) still be doing these roles. Someone should be crowd controlling, someone should still be pulling mobs, someone should still be monitoring the groups health, rezzing, and operating group buffs. But people aren’t doing that.

You can’t sit there and say “No one likes healing!” and then say “I’m glad there are no healers in the game!” and then wonder why you are getting crushed in a dungeon. YOU NEED IT TO SURVIVE.

To me, when ArenaNet said they were eliminating the “holy trinity” that meant, a warrior isn’t the only tank. a cleric isn’t the only healer. It meant that you can play any race, and fill any role, thus you aren’t cornered into a role. That doesn’t mean dungeon crawling techniques/strategy have changed though. You should still be bottle necking mobs into clear areas, you shouldn’t be rushing multiple mobs at once. There should still be organization and control, but people are glossing over that.

Perhaps the only problem is ArenaNet gave us a Ferrari to drive, and because it drives so fast, we think we can whip around the corners at that speed and still be OK. And after the Ferrari flips we go, “hmmm, why did that happen? this car doesn’t work.” The car works, the driver just should have known they still need to take the corners slow.

For me? I see the variety of roles each player can play. I see how traits allow you to hone in on those skills. And I recognize that organization and assigning responsibilities to the group is still a requirement.

When my brother last night said, “Huh? Crowd control? There is no trinity in this game.” I shook my head in disbelief, cause that’s when I realized players are plagued with this notion that “Hey! No set roles! Cool! I can be brainless now!” … and thats the root of the problem.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


Yes finally someone understands! Praise the Lord! Though you did forget to mention that the role system isent as strict in that you can have multiple support guys who also do good DPS or CC and the party still be good as long as everyone is paying attention. Also most the support in this game is a two way street you wanna get healed pay attention look for Healing AoE’s you see a bubble that means a BIG ATTACK is coming up so get in thekittenBubble.

Pushing Gw2's Roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: datus.4187


But now that a month has passed, people are hitting level cap and exploring high end areas/dungeons, and they are discovering that the mindless run and gun mentality isn’t working.

Everyone has been trained to play this game that way.

Personally it has frustrated me. Running into the mansion dungeon and seeing everyone mindlessly run around with their heads cut off, pulling aggro from multiple rooms, and ending up getting destroyed, and then wondering “why?”

There are roles, and there are classes, they’re just more flexible in GW2. Sounds like people want more clearly defined roles because they’re not understanding how to play their character? Well I don’t agree in dumbing down the game for that problem because crappy players will exist no matter what.

I will agree however, we need more CC, or simply improve the CC that’s already given to every class. As it stands rooting a MoB for 2 seconds is pretty useless.

As far as people zerging dungeons. People will zerg dungeons no matter what. It’s always been a problem in every MMO. Roles wont force a crappy player to be good, it will simply limit their exposure, which overall is bad for everybody because then the game becomes too simplified. Lowest common denominator.

Dungeons in GW2 are embryonic at best. Personally I hate dungeons so this is fine by me, but the ones I’ve done in GW2 so far have been pretty brute force and un-interesting with a few exceptions.

Still, I’d rather Anet focus on continuing to make PvE environments amazing. The idea of the instanced dungeon is kind of outdated IMO and I’d like to see that EQ era tangent die completely.